W5-2Nature of Parties.htm

220 American Government and Politics
Spring, 2000

Kenneth Janda, Instructor

List of Lectures posted for Spring, 2000

Lecture Topics
Political Tidbits
Snack Food for Thought
Week 9: Making Public Policy

May 24

American Politics in a Global Environment

May 23

Spending Policies

The China Trade Bill Vote Postponed
See today's New York Times for an analysis.

May 22

Taxing Policies

The China Trade Bill
Today's House vote on this bill, which would recognize China as a permanent normal trading partner of the U.S., is too close to call. See two articles on the politics.
Week 8: The Presidency and the Bureaucracy

May 17

The President and Rule-Making

May 16

The President, Office and Powers

US. v. Morrison
The Supreme Court said that Congress could not legislate concerning violent crimes against women; that was the states' job.

May 15

Visitors from Baltic countries

Week 7: Congress and the Presidency

May 10

Representation and Public Opinion

Vermont's Campaign Law
See what people are saying about Vermont's law that seeks to curb campaign spending.

May 9

The Operation of Congress

May 8

The Congress as Rule-Maker

Week 6: Group-Government Linkages

May 3

Groups In the System

May 2

Group-Government Linkage

May 1

Midterm examination

Week 5: Elite-Mass Linkages

April 26

Party Reform

April 25

The Nature of American Parties

April 24

Varieties of Electoral Systems

 Week 4: Political Nature of the Masses

April 19

Participation and Elections

April 18

The Mass Media

April 17

Assessing Public Opinion and Crosstabs

 Week 3: Institutionalizing Democracy

April 12

Federalism and Limited Government

E-Conomics Problem
With Congress' Internet tax commission deadlocked, governors and mayors are desperately seeking solutions to their e-commerce sales-tax dilemma.
Police Power
"the power inherent in every sovereignty to control men and things under which authority the state may, within constitutional limitations, prohibit all things hurtful to the comfort, safety, and welfare of society and prescribe regulations to promote the public health, morals, safety, and order, and to add to the general public convenience, prosperity and welfare."

April 11

Judicial Review and Limited Government

History of the Census
Begins with the constitutional basis of the census and shows how questions have expanded over time.
Real Americans Don't Answer Nosy Questions
This critical piece contends that the federal government has gone far beyond its constitutional mandate.
All census questions, 1850-1950
Check out my inventory of all census questions over 100 years. Are today's questions more intrusive than those 150 years ago?

April 10

Democracy and the Constitution

Elian and Ideology
An All-Pro wide receiver explains conservative values.
Week 2: Democratic Theory

 April 5

 Institutional Models of Democracy

 April 4

 Democratic Theory, an Overview

National Poll on Elian Gonzalez
Several Gallup Polls report that most Americans favor returning Elian Gonzalez to his father.
Newspaper comment on Elian Gonzalez
A University of Miami professor says, "In Elian's case, the only apparent argument for keeping him in the United States is that Fidel is a bad guy and Cuba is a poor and miserable place."
 Week 1: The Purposes of Government