220 American
Government and Politics
Spring, 2000
Kenneth Janda,
Week 6: Group-Government
Lecture 1: Political Parties
& Interest Groups
May 2
elections, and party politics
- Adam
Klein's e-mail:
- disagrees
with me that "soft money is not a problem in America"
- it
does not "go directly to the
- "there
is no quid pro quo implied with soft money" as with
standard, direct donation
- Klein
says, several "classmates also found these claims
quixotic as well"
- Klein
- "soft
money is routed by political action committees and
parties to candidates coffers"
- "Such
bodies serve merely as loopholes to route unlimited
amounts of money to candidates, thus circumventing
donation limits."
- PACs
and parties work hand in hand with the candidates
whose interests (and financial well being) they
- "Furthermore,
soft money comes attached to a clear quid pro
- Thus,
we have
- "the
Clinton administration's consistent support of
the interests of trial lawyers,"
- "or
Republicans' impassioned defense of Big
- "Average
citizens are not fooled:"
- "many
politicians can be bought and sold."
- "leaders
like Russ Feingold and John McCain are a bright
spots in a dark sea of cronyism."
- Please
"address this in class on Tuesday if possible"
- My
- Who is
being quixotic?
- Cervantes'
early 17th century novel, Don Quixote de la
Mancha, told of the chivalrous adventures of a
country gentleman caught up in old-fashioned
- Thus,
the term "quixotic," has come to mean idealistic
without regard to practicality.
- Feingold
and McCain are the quixotic ones.
- Facing
reality in politics:
- Given
a large number of eligible voters, campaigning to
win an election can cost a lot of
- Factors
in the cost of a campaign to individual
- The
number of voters
- The
geographical size of the electoral
- The
candidates' popularity prior to the
- The
opponents' popularity prior to the
- Any
free advertising that benefits
- Financial
support from a political party
- Reality
produces these empirical propositions:
- The
more money an incumbent spends in an election, the
less likely is victory.
- Limits
on campaign spending reduce the likelihood that
challengers will defeat incumbents.
- Limits
on PAC contributions to candidates for Congress are
opposed more by women and minority candidates than
by white male candidates.
- Understanding
the financing of American elections:
- The
subject is very complex
- To
improve campaign finance, you must understand the
- In
general, reformers are apt to do more harm than
- Some
differences between the American and European
approaches to campaign financing
- Election
campaigns in the US tend to cost more than
campaigns in European nations.
- The
US has a larger electorate.
- The
US elects more public officials per
- Elections
in the US are contested by individuals;
elections in Europe are contested by
- The
US has long general election campaigns; Europe
has short campaigns
- Candidates
in the US often compete in costly primary
- Candidates
in the US usually must purchase TV time;
candidates in Europe are often awarded TV
- In
the US, money goes to individual candidates; in
Europe, money goes to parties
- In
the US, laws are stronger concerning the disclosure
of campaign funds
- In
the US, laws place more limits of the amount of
funds a citizen can contribute.
- My basic
argument is this:
- The
campaign finance system that we have reflects the
political system that we have.
- Our
system is not only structurally decentralized, it
is psychologically individualistic.
- Citizens
think they should vote for the person, not the
- Candidates
run to elect themselves, not their
- Members
in Congress act to insure their own
- They
rarely act to serve their party's
- They
seldom act to serve the national
- The
campaign finance legislation in 1974 reflected
- The
original bill provided for public funds to go to
the parties of the presidential
- It
was amended to go instead to the candidates of
the major parties.
- Little
can be done to reform our campaign finance system
without changing our political system.
- There
is merit in permitting contributions to parties as
opposed to individual candidates.
- Money
given to parties breaks the direct link between
contributors and candidates.
- First,
candidates need not solicit funds themselves
from contributors.
- Second,
individual contributors' funds become mixed with
funds from other contributors
- This
dilutes their contributions and renders them
less traceable
- It
reduces the "quid pro quo" nature of the
- Parties
become somewhat more important in our system, but
by no means dominant in our system.
parties vs. interest groups
"an organized body of individuals who share some
political goals and who try to influence public policy
- Distinguished
from a "political party":
OF POLICY FOCUS: Interest groups are narrower
- Interest
groups have narrower goals, which are based on the
special interests that are common to those in the
- Because
they advocate policy positions that promote their
special concerns, interest groups are said to
- to
articulate an interest is to express it
- Parties,
on the other hand, have broader policy goals, based
on the diverse interests of the coalition of people
who support the party.
- Because
parties must somehow balance diverse, and often
conflicting, interests of people in their
coalition, they are said to be INTEREST
- to
aggregate interests is to collect and
balance them
OF POLITICAL FOCUS: Interest groups are broader
- Interest
groups operate at all stages of the political
process -- elections, policy-making, policy
- Parties
concentrate on the electoral process and on the
allocation of offices within government after
- In
fact, the most distinguishing characteristic of
parties is that they nominate candidates to run as
AVOWED representatives of the party.
- If
an "interest group" were to do this, it would
become a political party by definition.
- American
parties are more aggregative of interests than political
parties in other countries.
- In the
U.S. multiple, often conflicting interests are
collected and balanced off within the Democratic and
Republican parties.
- In
European governments with multiparty systems, voters
have a choice of parties that articulate interests of
specific groups of voters.
- Agrarian
- Religious
- Labour
- Free
- Ethnic
- The
Anglo-American democracies, which all tend to have
two-party systems: UK, Canada, New Zealand,
Australia--are also aggregative.
- In
these countries, voters tend to know in advance of
elections which interests will be represented in
- In
multiparty countries, it is uncommon for a single
party to control the government after an
- Consequently,
government must be formed from coalitions of
- Voters
don't know in advance which parties will join to form
a government, so voters don't know what interests will
be represented in government when they
- American
parties offer voters fewer choices, but the choices
are linked more directly to what government does after
- American
parties are also less powerful than political parties in
other countries
- They
don't control nominations of their own
- They
can't even collect money to support campaigns without
cries to curtail "soft money"
- These two
characteristics of American parties--broadly aggregative
nature and lack of internal power--have consequences for
American government.
- American
parties fit the pluralist rather than the majoritarian
model of democracy.
- Parties
are only additional players on the interest group
- They
offer groups political access, but access does not
guarantee political benefits.
- Even
when in control of the legislative and executive
branches, American parties do not fit the model of
"responsible party government" and are able to
carry through legislative programs.
- Parties
are better positioned to block legislative programs
than to carry them out.
pervasiveness of interest groups in American
- A
classification of interest groups and examples:
- business
(e.g., National Association of
- labor
- education
(National Education Association)
- farm
(Farm Bureau)
- environmental
(Sierra Club)
- People:
senior citizens, women, civil rights, (blacks, Jews,
- Public
interest (Common Cause)
- Ideological
(Moral Majority, People for the American
- Single-issue
groups (Pro- and Anti-Abortion groups)
- Where do
interest groups operate in the American political
- Everywhere:
- Legislative
branch--origin of term "lobby"
- executive
branch--including the bureaucracy
- judicial
branch--through arguments before the
- in
state politics
- in
the military