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  • In the early 1990s, Robert Harmel (1977 NU PhD, now at Texas A&M) and I got an NSF grant:
    • to update my data for parties in the US, UK, Denmark, and Germany to 1990 for studying party change
    • That led to several joint publications, including
      • "An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change," Journal of Theoretical Politics, 6 (July, 1994), 259-287. Reprinted in Steven B. Wolinetz, (Ed.), Political Parties (Hampshire, U.K., Dartmouth Publishing, 1998).
      • "Performance, Leadership, Factions, and Party Change: An Empirical Analysis," West European Politics, 18 (January, 1995), 1-33.
      • "Changes in Party Identity: Evidence from Party Manifestos," Party Politics, 1 (April, 1995), 171-196. (also with NU doctoral candidates: Christine Edens, and Patricia Goff)
  • In 2000 (assisted by NU doctoral candidates Christina Nystrom and Tulia Falleti), I held a "summer camp" for undergraduates at Northwestern to prepare for updating all my parties data to 2000.
    • Students updated most of the country descriptions.
    • The information is available at
    • The goal was to develop a framework for scholars across the world to code parties on my variables and to submit the results via the internet.
  • In July 2003, I'll present a paper on the methodology at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association in Durban, South Africa.