For five
consecutive Mondays, starting on Monday, January
13, I plan to offer informal one hour workshops for
interested graduate students. The sessions will be held
from noon to 1:00 pm in Scott 212.
Each workshop will treat
an analytical tool that is useful to political research
but that does not seem to be covered in the existing
structure of courses. I expect students to bring bag
lunches to these informal sessions and to ask questions
during my talks. Here is the schedule of offerings, all
of which will run from 12:00 sharp to 1:00 pm
I do not presume to teach
anyone how to become proficient in using any of these
tools in just one hour. My goal is to (1) acquaint people
with the potential uses of the tools so that they can
decide whether they have applicability to their research
problems, and (2) to direct people to learn more about
the tools if they wish.
At each workshop, I will
provide handouts with major points, further readings, and
so on. If you have any interest in attending any of these
sessions, please reply briefly stating your main field of
research. I'll try to pitch my talks to the interest of
those who are likely to attend.
If no one replies, I'll
assume that there's no need to discuss these topics. If
people do reply, I'll target future e-mails about the
workshops only to those who do.