Advice on Statistics Research Paper: Good Form in Writing
Demonstrating a College EducationI believe that good ideas show off even better when they are presented in proper form. Future employers, admissions officers, and the Nobel Prize Committee will hold certain expectations about the applicants they choose. The easiest expectation to meet is that of "good form." If you don't know how to write a professional research paper, you should learn before graduationFor those who need help in citing sources, see The American Psychological Association Citation Guide.
For those who need help in preparing tables to report data, consider these examples. This is a suitable format for reporting regression results:
TABLE 1: Regression Equation with [Crime] as Dependent (Y)
Coefficients Variables b beta s.e. of b t-value significance
(X1) - - - - - (X2) - - - - - . . . . . . (Xn) - - - - - Constant - - - - R2 = -- Adjusted R2 = -- N = -- If you have several correlations to report, use a table like the following:
TABLE 2: Correlations of Occupation with Party Preference in Five Countries, 1990-1991a
Nation Cramer's Vb Sample Size United Kingdom.24 1,115 France.18 578 United States.15 1,356 West Germany.13 1,702 East Germany.10 1,053 aData come from the International Study of Values in Politics as reported in Russell J. Dalton, Citizen Politics, 2nd ed. (Chatham, N.J.: Chatham House, 1996). Occupation refers to respondent's occupation. Party preference is in answer to, "If there were a general election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?"
bCramer's V is a measure of association for nominal data that ranges between 0, meaning no relationship, and 1.0, meaning a perfect relationship.
Notes for a table go at the bottom of the table, not at the bottom of the page.