These video units were recorded by Kenneth Janda and Richard Johnson in 1990 on a 12" laserdisc under a grant from Apple Computer for use with Apple's Hypercard Program. Two years ago, Northwestern's New Media Center digitized the videos and created this web version. My thanks to Claire Dougherty, Stuart Baker, Tony Becker, and others in the New Media Center for their efforts.


Two methods exist for accessing the videos. Which you use will depend on the computer equipment you're using and on your access to the internet. Either version is available at NU public computer labs.

Those using either Macintosh or Windows computers and who have Apple's Quicktime 4 graphic and video software installed can access the Quicktime video version by clicking on the text in the adjoining window.
Quicktime Video Version

If you have a Windows computer in your dorm but don't have Quicktime installed, you can access the MPEG version. However, you must first install IBM's VideoCharger software, which you can download from the site noted above ^.
MPEG Video Version

If your computer, whether Mac or Windows, is not powerful enough to view the videos or if your internet connection is not fast enough, you can go to one of the public computer labs and choose either version. You might want to try both. One version is apt to work better depending on your equipment configuration and on the demands of other users at a given time.


View each unit prior to your discussion sections. After viewing each unit (but before attending your section), go to the American Government homepage on CourseInfo to answer questions about what you've viewed.


Attempts to deal with Videopaths Problems, April 5