From: Claire Dougherty <>

Subject: Re: Videopaths


Hi Ken,

I've fixed the problem Rosemary reports on W18, which seems to be the only one related to the Videopaths video site, and was due to my error. Will give the other sections a close double-check. Sorry for the mistake.

The other two are a little more troubling and both relate to CourseInfo. Amy is not a registered user in the course, and I'm not able to enter her as a user manually. Will forward this problem to the system administrator.

A number of other students have taken the quiz, but their answers are not being recorded (look at the online gradebook in Spreadsheet display). Checking with other LTG staff, it appears that the assessments function (quizzes/surveys) in CourseInfo is just not up to snuff after the upgrade. Your students are not the only ones experiencing these problems. I would like to suggest that we suspend use of the quizzes in CourseInfo, but I'm trying to find an alternative for you, since your students need to use this stuff right away. The two options at this point are: try to reactivate Tony's old Videopaths stuff and look into setting up space for your quizzes on the CourseInfo corporate site for the time being. I will look into both of these this morning and get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm sorry for these problems. It does appear that the video site at least is behaving well, but these quizzes are a problem.

more soon
