Path: ICPP > ICPP1980 > Table of Contents > Essay on Party Politics > Party 671

Soviet Union Communist Party, 671
Variables and Codes for 1950-1962
7-- Autonomy Variables

Sources of Funds


Relations with Domestic Parties


Sources of Members


Relations with Foreign Organizations


Sources of Leaders

7.01 sources of funds
7, AC9
The greatest share of party funds comes from membership dues supplemented by earnings from party publishing enterprises. The figures for membership dues vary some, though not significantly--ranging from 73 percent of the total party income in 1956 to 67.8 percent in 1961. For publishing, the figures run from 25 percent in 1955 to 31.7 percent in 1961. The 1961 figures also attribute .5 percent to "other revenue." There is some speculation in the literature about state subsidization of the party, but the sources find this difficult to determine, as the state budget does not specifically report any support to the party. One source believes that subsidies from the state budget of the USSR are listed under ‘social and cultural expenditure" and are accounted for in party statutes as "other income." The latter category, however, seems to account for only a small portion of the party’s income.
7.02 source of members
5, AC9
Enrollment in the party is conducted through individual action. Persons seeking candidate status, prior to acceptance as a full-fledged member, apply directly to a primary party organization. A primary party organization is organized in any institution or enterprise and consists of not less than three party members.
7.03 sources of leaders
2 (sectors 10, 11), AC4
2 (sectors 10, 11), AC6
This coding judgment is based on Bilinsky`s figures showing the primary occupations of Central Committee members for the year 1961. The figures show that approximately 55 percent of the full members are pure Apparatchis or members of the party bureaucracy. Another 30 percent are described as public administrators, including farm and factory directors, and leaders of public societies. One can assume that the latter category falls within the general sector of the government bureaucracy.
7.04 relations with domestic parties
7, AC9
As the only party in the Soviet Union, the CPSU is completely autonomous in this dimension.
7.05 relations with foreign organizations
4, AC9
The CPSU has long played a leading role in relations among foreign Communist and socialist parties through such international organizations as the Comintern, which was disbanded in 1943, and the ensuing Cominform, formed in 1947 to counter-balance increasing cooperation among the western powers. Comprised mainly of the Communist parties of eastern Europe as well those of Italy and France, the Cominform was dissolved in 1956. Although no formal organization was formed to replace the Cominform, the CPSU still continued as a unifying agent for foreign leftist parties. International conferences of Communist and workers’ parties were held in Moscow in 1957 and 1960. And indeed, the Secretariat of the CPSU has two administrative departments which specifically handle relations with eastern bloc and non-bloc Communist parties. A party training program is also available for members of foreign parties.