Year of Origin
Name Changes
1.01 year of origin and 1.02 name changes
- 1898, AC7
- 4, AC9
- There are three plausible dates for fixing the origin
of the CPSU. One position fixes the origin at 1898, the
year of the first congress of the Russian Social
Democratic Party in Minsk. However, some authors have
pointed out that the organizers of this meeting were
arrested or otherwise unable to establish a lasting
organization. An alternative date is 1903, the occasion
of the second congress. A third possibility is 1912, when
the Bolshevik Party was officially constituted. We have
selected 1898 as most consistent with our scoring of
party origins in other countries. Originally formed as
the Russian Social Democratic Party, its name was changed
in 1918 to the Russian Communist Party and changed again
in 1925 to the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
Its name was changed once more in 1952 to the familiar
Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
- 1.03 organizational discontinuity
- 0, AC9
- The CPSU did not undergo any splits or mergers during
the period 1950-1962.
- 1.04 leadership competition
- 12, AC9
- After Stalin`s death in 1953, Malenkov resigned as
First Secretary of the CPSU to head the Council of
Ministers. His resignation was approved by the Central
Committee, which subsequently elected Khrushchev to the
post of First Secretary of the CPSU in September 1953--a
post which he held until his removal in 1964.
- 1.05 legislative instability
- Instability is undefined
- There is little hard information available about the
party composition of the Supreme Soviet, which does not
function as a legislative institution in the western
sense of the term. During our time period, the proportion
of Communists among the deputies to the Supreme Soviet of
the Union declined steadily from 86 percent to 75 percent
of the approximately 700 members, depending on the
session. (Rigby, p. 475.)
- 1.06 electoral instability
- Instability is .00, AC9
- Elections for the Supreme Soviet were held in 1950,
1954, 1958, and 1962. Although no parties were allowed to
form to contest the candidates of the CPSU, there were
occasional non-party candidates, as reflected in the
composition of the chamber.