- 1.01 Year of Origin and 1.02 Name
- 1828, ac7
0, ac9
- There are several dates that
might be cited for the formation of the Democratic party. One
seeking the roots of the party may point to the group of
"Republicans" led by Thomas Jefferson in the 1790s. Alternatively,
one might fix the origin at 1809, when the Republican caucus
controlled the organization of the House of Representatives. We
have chosen 1828, when a coalition of southerners, westerners, and
state-rights northerners backed Andrew Jackson in his campaign for
the Presidency against John Quincy Adams. Jackson had lost to
Adams in the previous election of 1824, when the contest was among
four candidates of the dominant Republican party. With no one
receiving a majority of the electoral vote, the decision was made
by the House of Representatives, which chose Adams over Jackson
despite Jackson's plurality in both popular and electoral vote. In
the interim, the Republican party split more sharply into Adams
and Jackson supporters, with Jackson men becoming known as
"Democrats" while Adams ran as a National Republican. In addition
to becoming known as the Democratic party, supporters of Jackson
pursued votes in the expanded electorate by systematically
organizing committees and conventions to advance his candidacy.
(Holt, pp.501-505 and Kent pp.82-83) formally, the party was the
Democratic-Republican party, but the term "Republican" was dropped
in 1840, which is too early to be counted as a name change.
(Goldman, p.1)
- 1.03 Organizational
- 3, ac9
- One major split occurred in 1948,
when the southern wing of the party- the "Dixiecrats"--bolted from
the party and nominated Strom Thurmond as their candidate for
President on the States Rights ticket.
- 1.04 Leadership
- 16, ac9
- The party's Presidential
candidate at election time presents the strongest claim for being
regarded as its national leader. Presidential candidates are
chosen in open conventions involving thousands of members. Adlai
Stevenson was chosen by the 1952 convention to succeed Harry
Truman, then President. Although he lost the 1952 election,
Stevenson was renominated in 1956--and lost again. John Kennedy
won the Democratic nomination as a Presidential candidate in 1960
and won the election.
- 1.05 Legislative
- Instability is .08,
- The Democrats lost control of the
House of Representatives only once during our time period, when
they held 49 percent of the seats in the 1953 54 session. Their
high point of representation was in 1959 and 1960, when they held
65 percent of the seats.
- 1.06 Electoral
- Instability is .04,
- Elections for the U.S. House of
Representatives are held every even-numbered year. There were
seven such elections during our time period. The Democratic
percentage of the total vote varied from a low of 49 in 1952 to a
high of 56 in 1958.
Governmental Status Variables, 2.01-2.07
- 2.01 Government
- 1, ac9
- In virtually all of the states,
the electoral laws are designed to benefit both the Democratic and
Republican parties at the expense of the minor parties. Generally,
this discrimination assumes the form of allowing the two
established parties to place candidates on the ballot
automatically at elections to public office. Minor parties,
however, must usually circulate petitions to obtain a position on
the ballot, and petition processes are notoriously complicated and
- 2.02 Governmental
- 3 out of 7 for 1950-56,
- 2 out of 6 for 1957-62,
- The Democrat Truman was President
from 1950 to 1952. Another Democrat, Kennedy, was elected
President in 1960 and served in 1961 and 1962, until his
assassination in November. He was succeeded by his Vice-President,
Lyndon Johnson.
- 2.03 Cabinet
- 4 out of 7 for 1950-56,
- 4 out of 6 for 1957-62,
- Of course Democrats held Cabinet
posts in all three years of the Truman administration during our
time period. In addition, the Democrat Martin Durkin served as
Secretary of Labor until October, 1953 in the Republican
administration of Dwight Eisenhower . Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary
of Health, Education, and Welfare in the Eisenhower Cabinet from
1953 to 1955, was nominally a Democrat in state politics but had
supported Republican candidates for the Presidency and thus is not
included as representing the Democrats in our accounting. In 1957,
Robert B. Anderson (Democrat) was appointed Secretary of Treasury
and served throughout Eisenhower's administration.
- 2.05 Legislative
- Strength is .53 for 1950-1956,
ac9 and .60 for 1957- 1962, ac9
- The Democrats lost control of the
House of Representatives only once during our time period, when
they held 49 percent of the seats in the 1953 54 session. Their
high point of representation was in 1959 and 1960, when they held
65 percent of the seats.
- 2.06 Electoral
- Strength is .50 for 1950-1956,
ac9 and .54 for 1957- 1962, ac9
- Elections for the U.S. House of
Representatives are held every even-numbered year. There were
seven such elections during our time period. The Democratic
percentage of the total vote varied from a low of 49 in 1952 to a
high of 56 in 1958.
- 2.04 National
- 5, ac9
- If the United States is divided
into four geographic regions--east, central, south, and west--the
composition of Democratic party identifiers deviates from the
population distribution across regions by an average of 6.2
percentage points in 1952 and 5.5 points in 1960. If the country
is divided into eight rather than four regions, however, the
average deviation drops to 3.0 for 1952 and 2.7 for 1960. Because
of the special relationship between the Democratic party and the
south, the cruder division is used in scoring this
- 2.07 Outside Origin
- 5, ac7
Both insiders and outsiders were instrumental in founding the
Democratic party. Andrew Jackson himself was a popular general who
served from 1823-25 in the U.S. Senate and had run unsuccessfully
for the Presidency in 1824. His candidacy was initiated by
Tennessee bankers, but anti-banking interests were prominent in
his new party. His candidacy was also backed by members of
Congress and various politicians at the state and local
Issue Orientation Variables, 5.01-5.15
5.01 Ownership Of Means Of
- 1, ac7
- In general, the Democrats have
not advocated governmental control of basic industries, with one
exception. They have tended to favor governmental ownership of
power facilities in the south and west. The Democrats backed rural
electrification programs in their platforms of 1952 and 1956, and
in 1960 they called for the development of multi-purpose plans for
major river basins-- although they did not push new projects once
in office.
- 5.02 Government Role In Economic
- 3, ac9
- The Democrats pursued policies of
economic planning in both theory and practice. Price controls were
favored in both their 1952 and 1960 platforms, and they advocated
even more activist economic policies in depressed areas. The
agricultural policies of the Democrats relied especially heavily
on price supports and production and marketing quotas. The party
also continually argued for tax revisions and monetary policies
which would combine economic growth with economic
- 5.03 Redistribution Of
- 1, ac9
- In general, the Democrats
supported measures for progressive taxation, providing tax relief
for lower income groups and higher rates for higher income
categories. The Democrats could also be counted on to vote in
accordance with their platform declarations on this matter. But
they did not advocate any more severe plans for the redistribution
of wealth.
- 5.04 Social Welfare
- 3, ac9
- According to party platforms, the
Democrats consistently favored a mixture of obligatory programs of
public assistance and voluntary programs, including aid to the
poor, unemployed, and aged along with health care and medical
benefits. Moreover, the party platforms advocated from time to
time adequate day care facilities for the children of working
mothers, a stronger unemployment insurance system, and medical
insurance upon retirement. A majority of Democrats in Congress
tended to favor these proposals, but southern Democrats tended to
side with Republicans in opposing and occasionally defeating
implementing legislation.
- 5.05 Secularization Of
- 1, ac9
- The U.S. Constitution enjoins
Congress from making laws for the establishment of religion or
prohibiting its free exercise. The Supreme Court has interpreted
the due process amendment to the Constitution as applying
the First Amendment to the states, and virtually all of the
court's decisions upholding the amendment have concerned state,
and not national, action. Congress, however, has taken actions
which have given symbolic support to religion in general. In 1952,
it memorialized the President to proclaim an annual national day
of prayer. In 1954, the phrase Under God was inserted into the
Pledge of Allegiance. In 1955, the phrase In God We Trust was
prescribed for all currency and coins. In 1956, the same phrase
was adopted as the national motto (Van Alstyne, pp. 866-868).
These actions received bipartisan support in the Congress and
usually did not elicit a roll call vote. Some conflict appeared in
the Congress in 1966, however, over a proposed Constitutional
amendment to allow prayer in public schools. Northern Democratic
senators voted 29 to 7 against the measure, while southern
Democrats supported it, 15 to 5 (CQ Almanac, 1966, p. 516). On the
other hand, northern Democrats have been more supportive of
policies which would provide indirect financial aid to Catholic
parochial schools.
- 5.06 Support Of The
- 5, ac9
- During our period, the Democratic
party platforms stressed the importance of maintaining an
overwhelming military force to insure national security. The
Democrats were more likely to seek limits to military spending
when they were not in control of the Presidency, but still they
did not challenge the need for pervasive security against
perceived enemies.
- 5.07 Alignment With East-West
- 5, ac9
- American foreign policy during
this period was largely bipartisan in nature, with both parties
accepting and cultivating the bipolar East-West division--the U.S.
being the central pillar in the Western bloc.
- 5.08 Anti-Colonialism
- 0, ac7
- The U.S. was involved in
neo-colonial relationships with a variety of countries during our
time period. The Latin American countries taken together will
provide the reference group for coding this variable. In each of
its platforms from 1952 to 1960, the Democratic party pledged to
continue Franklin D. Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy, which
rejected armed intervention in Latin American internal political
affairs, although economic and political pressures were still
employed on occasion to protect investments of U.S.
- 5.09 Supranational
- 1, ac7
- The Democrats have been more
favorably inclined toward the United Nations than the Republicans,
but they have never promoted the idea of the U.N. limiting the
sovereignty of the U.S. While the Democrats have also favored
tariff reductions as a matter of policy, they have not pushed the
notion of a customs union with any set of countries.
- 5.10 National
- 1, ac9
- The Democratic party and
Democrats in Congress tended to favor policies which would
increase the power of the federal government at the expense of the
states. On the issue of civil rights, however, southern Democrats
consistently split with the northern majority and joined the
Republicans in defense of states rights.
- 5.11 Electoral
- 4, ac7
- In some southern states,
governmental officials of the Democratic party practiced
discriminatory application of legal tests to discourage Negroes
from voting. At the national level, however, the party supported
universal suffrage in the context of civil rights.
- 5.12 Protection Of Civil
- 3, ac9
- Platform statements of the
Democratic party continually stressed the need to end
discrimination in economic advancement, housing, education, and
public accommodations, but the performance of southern Democrats
in Congress served instead to obstruct civil rights legislation.
Because the southerners in the Senate could and did block civil
rights bills by delaying tactics, the party's score on this
variable is compromised by the sharp difference between program
and practice.
- 5.13 Interference With Civil
- 2 for 1st half, ac9
- -3 for 2nd half, ac9
- The Democratic party has never
alleged the private ownership of mass media, and its platform
statements have always endorsed the principle of freedom of
information--implicitly limiting this to political material and
excluding material that would be offensive to public morals. But
during the first part of our period, a majority of Democrats in
Congress did vote to restrict the activities of members of
communist organizations and otherwise supported the governments
investigation of political activities that were thought to
threaten national security.
- 5.14 / 5.15 US--Soviet Experts
Left-Right Ratings
- U.S. says nothing
Soviets say 1, one of the two parties of monopolistic capital in
the USA. In the second half of the 19th century, the party became
one of the ruling parties of financial capital. At this time,
differences between the Democratic and Republican parties became
obliterated as both became the political organizations of the
ruling class of the bourgeoisie.
Goal Orientation Variables, 6.01-6.55
6.00 Open Competition In The
Electoral Process
- 4, ac9
- Open competition at the national
level between the Democratic and Republican parties was a regular
feature of American politics, and the Democrats subscribed to a
strategy of open competition throughout our time
- 6.10 Restricting Party
- 0, ac9
- Although the Democrats
participated in restricting the activities of the Communist party
within the U.S., the Communists never posed any threat in
elections and this action is not counted in determining the
party's strategy.
- 6.20 Subverting The Political
- 0, ac9
- The Democrats were an integral
part of the political system and would gain nothing by subverting
- 6.30 Propagandizing Ideas And
- 6.31--0, ac9. The Democratic
party operated no mass communications media of its
- 6.32--0, ac9. The Democratic
party would sponsor occasional workshops but nothing that might be
called a party school.
- 6.33--1, ac9. Every four years,
the Democrats would enact a party platform, but the party rarely
did more.
- 6.34--1 for first half, ac9, and
2 for second half, ac9. The Democratic party would issue
occasional statements from its National Committee, but these did
not draw wide attention in national politics, until they were
issued in the name of the Democratic Advisory Council from 1957
through 1960.
- 6.50 Providing For Welfare Of
Party Members
- 6.51--0, ac9. The old party
machine functions of providing food, clothing, or shelter to the
needy had largely ceased during our time period.
- 6.52--0, ac9. The Democrats did
not run employment services themselves, but they helped spread
around jobs under their control.
- 6.53--2, ac9. Party connections
often proved to be most important in obtaining governmental
- 6.54--0, ac9. The Democrats left
education to the state.
6.55--0, ac9. Although the party occasionally functioned in places
as a social club, the Democrats did not tend to provide
recreational space or field athletic teams.
Autonomy Variables, 7.01-7.05
7.01 Sources Of
- 2 (sectors 03, 01),
- Heard's data on financing the
1952 Presidential campaign discloses that 48 percent of the
expenditures by national level committees of the Democratic party
was contributed by individuals who gave sums of $500 or more
(p.20, p.47). Most of these large contributors within the
Democratic party had backgrounds in the professions rather than
business (p.109 ). Expenditures by labor groups were
overwhelmingly on behalf of Democratic candidates--so much so that
labor expenditures are classified with those of the Democratic
National Committees, with labor groups accounding for 15 percent
of the total. In House and Senate campaigns, labor's proportions
of expenditures is even greater. Alexander finds much the same
situation for the 1960 campaign .
- 7.02 Source Of
- 6, ac9
- There are no formal requirements
for membership in the national Democratic party, although some
local clubs may require the payment of dues. Most citizens who
claim membership in the party do so through self-
- 7.03 Sources Of
- 3 (sector 03), ac9
- Considering the Democratic
members of the House of Representatives as the referent group of
party leaders for comparison with other countries, we find that
approximately 60 percent of the Democratic members of the house
are lawyers, with the next largest category of about 25 percent
being in business. If one considers convention delegates instead,
as did McKeough and Bibby in 1964, the proportion of lawyers drops
to about 30 percent while business continues to claim about 25
percent (p. 83).
- 7.04 Relations With Domestic
- 7, ac9
- The Democratic party operates
largely independently of other parties across the nation, but in
certain localities the party may join with other parties in
backing certain candidates. One prominent example is in New York
City, where the Liberal party often endorses Democratic
- 7.05 Relations With Foreign
- 5, ac9
The Democrats are not affiliated with any international party
Organizational Complexity Variables, 8.01-8.07
8.01 Structural
- 10, ac9
- There are four main components in
the Democratic party's national organization--a convention which
meets every four years to select the party's Presidential
candidate, a National Committee which meets between conventions, a
House campaign committee, and a Senate campaign committee. The
Democratic convention is very large, growing from approximately
1,200 delegates in 1952 to 1,500 in 1960. During our time period,
delegates to the conventions were selected in a variety of ways.
Ranney and Kendall report that about 53 percent of the delegates
in 1952 were selected by conventions and about 39 percent by
direct primary. The remaining 8 percent were chosen by state and
territorial party committees (p. 297). Similarly, the methods of
choosing National Committeemen differ by states, Sorauf
determining that about 40 percent are named in state conventions,
28 percent by delegates to the National Convention, 24 percent by
the state central committee, and 8 percent by a primary election
(p. 116). The House campaign committee is composed of one
representative from each state with Democratic representation in
the house. The Senate committee is picked by the Democratic
leadership. Although complex, these selection procedures are
relatively clearly specified. The functional responsibilities of
these committees and their interrelationships are ambiguous at
best. It is clear that the main function of the National
Convention is to select the Presidential candidate. It also enacts
a party platform, but platform statements are commonly neglected.
The National Committee rarely operates as a committee and it has
no authority over the House and Senate committees, which operate
mainly to finance campaigns of members of Congress and are
basically independent of each other.
- 8.02 Intensiveness Of
- 5, ac7
- Statistics concerning the various
sizes and distribution of local party organizations in the United
States are not readily available. It appears , however, that the
Democratic party is typically organized on the basis of precincts
which encompass 1,000 or fewer voters.
- 8.03 Extensiveness Of
- 6, ac5
- Information on extensiveness of
organization, like that of the intensiveness of organization, is
not good. It appears that the Democratic party would have precinct
organizations covering virtually the entire country, although
these organizations individually would vary greatly in
- 8.04 Frequency Of Local
- 2, ac4
- The variance among local precinct
organizations is probably considerable, but they are likely to
meet only at campaign times.
- 8.05 Frequency Of National
- 3, ac6
- Cotter and Hennessy report that
the Democratic National Committee Rules of 1958 required two
meetings a year upon the call of the chairman, unless voted
otherwise at a previous meeting (p. 36). Beginning in 1951, an
executive committee of 11 members was established, but this group
appears not to meet any more often nor to be much used by the
national chairman (p. 38).
- 8.06 Maintaining
- 9, ac9
- Like the publishing program of
the Republicans, that of the Democrats varied with the political
times and the available funds. As the opposition party during the
Eisenhower administration, the party published The Democratic
Digest a cutting partisan magazine. Its publishing program was
probably less diversified than that of the Republicans, however.
Certainly the research function was less important within the
Democratic party, where a research division did exist but was
neglected. The Democrats did maintain mailing lists of financial
contributors, especially through their sustaining membership plan
begun in 1956. But these lists were not membership lists per
- 8.07 Pervasiveness Of
- 7, ac9
Although the Democrats were ahead of the Republicans in
establishing a Women's Division as early as 1916, they have been
less successful in organizing women's groups across the country.
Cotter and Hennessy point out that Democratic women's clubs are
chartered by state committees rather than National Committees (p.
151). The same is true for chartering of the Young Democrats, who
became attached to the National Committee with a paid staff only
in 1956 (p. 156). Of more importance to the Democratic party is
its close association with labor organizations at both the state
and national levels. Clearly the party control of labor unions is
low--in some states, the unions have the upper hand over the
party--but some penetration does exist.
Organizational Power Variables, 9.01-9.08
9.01 Nationalization Of
- 3, ac9
- The Democratic National
Committee, like its Republican counterpart, consists of
representatives of state party organizations and would appear to
stand at the peak of an organizational hierarchy. But the National
Committeemen seldom command their own state organizations, having
been chosen mainly for status in the party and frequently for
financial support of the party. As a result, membership of the
National Committee connotes prestige rather than power. During our
time period at least, state party organizations operated virtually
autonomously of the National Committee, much less the house and
senate campaign committees. Decisions of the National Convention,
moreover, were flaunted so readily by state parties, particularly
in the south, that Democratic party conventions in 1952 and 1956
sought to enact a loyalty oath which pledged delegates to place
the convention's nominee on the ballot in their states as the
candidate of the Democratic party, rather than appropriating the
party label for their own favorite candidates.
- 9.02 Selecting The National
- 3, ac9
- For our purposes, the party
leader is taken to be the party's presidential candidate rather
than the chairman of the National Committee, who is usually in
fact appointed by the presidential candidate. The Democratic
party's presidential candidate is named by an elaborate and
tumultuous convention process involving thousands of delegates
representing state party organizations. Excepting the situation
which arises when an incumbent President seeks re-election, there
are spirited contests for the party's nomination, and the choice
is the subject of much speculation for months in advance. This
situation holds true for the Republican party also.
- 9.03 Selecting Parliamentary
- 1, ac9
- The national party organizations
have no role to play in the determination of party candidates, who
are typically named in direct primary elections usually open to
all voters who profess to support the party. Rare attempts at
intervention by the President to oppose renomination of Senators
or Congressmen of his own party who did not support his programs
have failed more often than they have succeeded.
- 9.04 Allocating Funds
- 2, ac9
- Enormous sums are required to
finance electoral campaigns throughout the United States. Sorauf's
compilation of the total estimated expenditures during the
presidential campaigns of 1952 through 1960 shows a growth from
140 million dollars to 175 million (p. 311). Even in non-election
years, however, the costs may run from 5 to 10 million dollars
(bone, p. 393). In part because of the Hatch Act of 1940, which
limits income or expenditures of any single interstate committee
to 3 million dollars per year, financing has not been centralized
within the Democratic party. Several national-level committees, of
varying degrees of independence of the Democratic National
Committee, exist or are created anew to share in the raising and
dispensing of campaign funds. Beginning in 1953, however, state
party organizations were assigned quotas to help share the
operating costs of the National Committee. State performance in
meeting these quotas was very irregular, indicating again the
decentralized nature of fund raising within the Democratic party
(Cotter and Hennessy, pp. 180-181).
- 9.05 Formulating
- 5 for first half, ac9
- 6 for second half,
- Policy formulation is not the
major function of American national parties. Every four years, the
Democratic National Convention does adopt a party platform prior
to nominating the party's candidate for the Presidency. The
nominee, however, is free to interpret the platform to suit his
campaign, selectively emphasizing and neglecting platform policies
as he chooses. An incumbent President who seeks renomination,
moreover, can guide the platform formulation according to his
interests. Nevertheless, party activists work for the adoption of
acceptable policies within the platform and may bolt the party if
their interests are not served. For example, some southern
delegates walked out of the convention in 1948 when the party
adopted a strong civil rights policy. Through 1956, only the
Democratic National Convention could be identified as the source
of party policy as embodied in the party platform. Although the
Democratic National Committee may have had in theory the power to
make party policy, it had not attempted to do it. But in late
1956, DNC Chairman Paul Butler established a Democratic Advisory
Council for this purpose. Although the party's leaders in Congress
refused to serve on it, the council did take policy stands in the
name of the party. Moreover, Sundquist's analysis of major
legislative proposals that became incorporated into the 1960 party
platform finds that the council had adopted half of the ten as
party measures beforehand (pp. 409-413). But with the Democratic
candidate Kennedy winning the Presidency in 1960, the Democratic
Advisory Council terminated early in 1961, as party policy became
overshadowed by Presidential policy.
- 9.06 Controlling
- 0, ac9
- The Democratic National Committee
published a magazine called the Democratic Digest, but this cannot
be considered to be an important means of communication within the
- 9.07 Administering
- 0, ac9
- The Democratic party has
virtually no means to discipline those who deviate from party
policy. Senators or representatives who buck party policy in
voting within the Congress suffer no party reprimand. No
Congressman during our time period was expelled from the party or
even threatened with expulsion. The disciplinary power of the
National Committee itself does not extend beyond seating its own
- 9.08 Leadership
- 1, ac9
The Democrats did not have control of the Presidency for 8 of the
13 years in our time period. As the party out of power, the
Democrats certainly had no single spokesman who could
authoritatively bind the party, although it had many leaders who
might lay claim to the position of party spokesman. Former
President Truman, for example, can be included in this category,
as can Adlai Stevenson, the twice defeated Democratic nominee for
President who is referred to as the titular' head of the
party. Sam Rayburn, Democratic Speaker of the House of
Representatives, and Lyndon Johnson, leader of the Democratic
majority in the Senate, are two prominent, but not authoritative,
party spokesman during our period. All of these person and others
competed with the current incumbent in the position of Democratic
National Chairman for leadership of the party.
Coherence Variables, 10.01-10.06
10.01 Legislative
- .55 for first half,
- .63 for second half,
- Turner and Schneier report data
on the average cohesion of parties in the House of Representatives
for selected years from 1921 through 1967 (p. 21). In 1953, the
Democrats had an average cohesion of .55 as measured by the Rice
Index, and it was .63 in 1959.
- 10.02 Ideological
- 5 for first half, ac9
- 6 for second half,
- For years, the Democratic party
has had a large southern conservative wing, which consistently
numbered about 100 Congressmen. The number of northern Democratic
Congressmen fluctuated more from session to session but usually
was somewhat larger than the southern bloc. Because the southern
Congressmen tended to come from non- competitive districts, they
built up seniority in the Congress and rose to the chairmanship of
many key committees. Although these informal ties among the
southern Democrats were strong, they did not develop a formal
organization. In 1959, northern liberal Democrats in the House
organized the Democratic Study Group with offices and staff to
counter the smaller but well entrenched southern wing of the party
in the house.
- 10.03 Issue
- 5, ac9
- The Democratic party in Congress
has had long-standing divisions over a number of social policies,
with the issue of civil rights being perhaps the clearest example.
The party's adoption in 1948 of a strong platform plank in
opposition to discrimination against Negroes led some southern
delegates to leave the convention and join with others in the
nomination of another candidate for President on the States'
Rights ticket as a rival of the Democratic nominee in the south.
Factionalism over civil rights extended throughout our time
- 10.04 Leadership
- 2, ac9
- The process of seeking a party's
nomination for the Presidency extends over several months, and
prominent candidates in the race do gather behind them ill-defined
sets of followers. But leadership followings within the Democratic
party did not crystallize to any major extent during our time
- 10.05 Strategic Or Tactical
- 1, ac9
- Discussions of how the Democrats
might best operate to win the next election were common and often
spirited, but matters of electoral tactics did not serve as the
basis of factionalism during our time period.
- 10.06 Party Purges
- 0, ac9
The Democratic party experienced no purges and was not capable of
carrying out any purges.
Involvement Variables, 11.01-11.06
11.01 Membership
- 0, ac9
- The Democratic party at the
national level establishes no requirements for membership in the
party. State party organizations per se also have no requirements
for party membership. However, in approximately 35 states during
our time period, participation in the Democratic primary was
closed to all voters who failed to meet some test of party
affiliation. Typically, this test in such closed primary states
was established by state law rather than party rules and applied
to the Republican party as well as the Democratic party. The test
was administered in some states by the party, with which the voter
had to register in advance of the primary election, and in other
states by a challenge system, in which voters who requested a
Democratic ballot were open to challenge as to their party
affiliation. Depending on the state, challenges could be met by
swearing that he had supported the party in the past, or supports
it at present, or will support it in the future (Ranney and
Kendall, p. 206). These legal requirements of party membership in
closed primary states pertained mainly to the eligibility of the
voter to participate in the primary election at hand and not to
his participation in party activities generally. In the 15 or so
open primary states, even these minimum tests were not present,
and any voter could request a Democratic ballot and vote for
Democratic candidates in the primary.
- 11.02 Membership
- 0, ac9
- Most members of the Democratic
party are self-styled members and do not participate in meetings
or engage in campaign activities.
- 11.03 Material
- 1, ac5
- Research on incentives for party
activists in the United States is still in the beginning stages.
Researchers in the field have distinguished between incentives
that drew the person into party work initially and those which
serve to keep him active in the party. Conway and Feigert's study
of precinct chairmen in Montgomery County, Maryland, and Knox
County, Illinois, find that material incentives drew about 15
pecent of the Democratic charimen into their jobs but served to
sustain about 25 percent of the chairmen in their roles (pp.
1166-1168). Gluck's data on committeemen in Buffalo, New York,
find that material incentives attracted nearly half of all
Democratic committeemen to their jobs but continued as the most
important reward for only about one-third.
- 11.04 Purposive
- 1, ac5
- In the same research discussed in
variable 11.03, Conway and Feigert found that purposive incentives
attracted about 70 percent of the Democratic chairmen initially
but that they continued to sustain only about 20 percent in their
jobs. Gluck's data show that purposive incentives recruited about
40 percent of the Democratic chairmen and still continued to
motivate one-third in their work. In both studies, the importance
of social contacts and solidary motivations increased following
- 11.05 Doctrinism
- 0, ac9
- There is no body of material that
can be said to embody Democratic party doctrine.
- 11.06 Personalism
- 0, ac7
A substantial proportion of Democratic party workers in the
Presidential campaigns of 1952 and 1956 were volunteers for
Stevenson. Wilson's study of these amateur Democrats in New York,
Chicago, and Los Angeles states that Stevenson was a figure of
great emotional significance to the young reformers who often
challenged the regular organization while working for Stevenson
(p.22 and pp.52-56). Many of these Stevenson Democrats remained
loyal into the Democratic convention of 1960, when John Kennedy
won the nomination. But it seems that these Stevenson Democrats
were issue-oriented liberals who were motivated primarily by
purposive incentives and rallied around Stevenson because he
embodied their values and objectives.