[Delivered at a Joint Session of the two Houses of Congress,
December 8, 1914.]
The session upon which you are now entering will be the closing
session of the Sixty-third Congress, a Congress, I venture to say,
which will long be remembered for the great body of thoughtful and
constructive work which it has done, in loyal response to the thought
and needs of the country. I should like in this address to review the
notable record and try to make adequate assessment of it; but no
doubt we stand too near the work that has been done and are ourselves
too much part of it to play the part of historians toward it.
Our program of legislation with regard to the regulation of business
is now virtually complete. It has been put forth, as we intended, as
a whole, and leaves no conjecture as to what is to follow. The road
at last lies clear and firm before business. It is a road which it
can travel without fear or embarrassment. It is the road to
ungrudged, unclouded success. In it every honest man, every man who
believes that the public interest is part of his own interest, may
walk with perfect confidence.
Moreover, our thoughts are now more of the future than of the past.
While we have worked at our tasks of peace the circumstances of the
whole age have been altered by war. What we have done for our own
land and our own people we did with the best that was in us, whether
of character or of intelligence, with sober enthusiasm and a
confidence in the principles upon which we were acting which
sustained us at every step of the difficult undertaking; but it is
done. It has passed from our hands. It is now an established part of
the legislation of the country. Its usefulness, its effects will
disclose themselves in experience. What chiefly strikes us now, as we
look about us during these closing days of a year which will be
forever memorable in the history of the world, is that we face new
tasks, have been facing them these six months, must face them in the
months to come, - face them without partisan feeling, like men who
have forgotten everything but a common duty and the fact that we are
representatives of a great people whose thought is not of us but of
what America owes to herself and to all mankind in such circumstances
as these upon which we look amazed and anxious.
War has interrupted the means of trade not only but also
processes of production. In Europe it is destroying men and resources
wholesale and upon a scale unprecedented and appalling. There is
reason to fear that the time is near, if it be not already at hand,
when several of the countries of Europe will find it difficult to do
for their people what they have hitherto been always easily able to
do, - many essential and fundamental things. At any rate, they will
need our help and our manifold services as they have never needed
them before; and we should be ready, more fit and ready than we have
ever been.
It is of equal consequence that the nations whom Europe has
usually supplied with innumerable articles of manufacture and
commerce of which they are in constant need and without which their
economic development halts and stands still can now get only a small
part of what they formerly imported and eagerly look to us to supply
their all but empty markets. This is particularly true of our own
neighbors, the States, great and small, of Central and South America.
Their lines of trade have hitherto run chiefly athwart the seas, not
to our ports but to the ports of Great Britain and of the older
continent of Europe. I do not stop to inquire why, or to make any
comment on probable causes. What interests us just now is not the
explanation but the fact, and our duty and opportunity in the
presence of it. Here are markets which we must supply, and we must
find the means of action. The United States, this great people for
whom we speak and act, should be ready, as never before, to serve
itself and to serve mankind; ready with its resources, its energies,
its forces of production, and its means of distribution.
It is a very practical matter, a matter of ways and means. We
have the resources, but are we fully ready to use them? And, if we
can make ready what we have, have we the means at hand to distribute
it? We are not fully ready; neither have we the means of
distribution. We are willing, but we are not fully able. We have the
wish to serve and to serve greatly, generously; but we are not
prepared as we should be. We are not ready to mobilize our resources
at once. We are not prepared to use them immediately and at their
best, without delay and without waste.
To speak plainly, we have grossly erred in the way in which we
have stunted and hindered the development of our merchant marine. And
now, when we need ships, we have not got them. We have year after
year debated, without end or conclusion, the best policy to pursue
with regard to the use of the ores and forests and water powers of
our national domain in the rich States of the West, when we should
have acted; and they are still locked up. The key is still turned
upon them, the door shut fast at which thousands of vigorous men,
full of initiative, knock clamorously for admittance. The water power
of our navigable streams outside the national domain also, even in
the eastern States. where we have worked and planned for generations,
is still not used as it might be, because we will and we won't;
because the laws we have made do not intelligently balance
encouragement against restraint. We withhold by regulation.
I have come to ask you to remedy and correct these mistakes and
omissions, even at this short session of a Congress which would
certainty seem to have done all the work that could reasonably be
expected of it. The time and the circumstances are extraordinary, and
so must our efforts be also.
Fortunately, two great measures, finely conceived, the one to
unlock, with proper safeguards, the resources of the national domain;
the other to encourage the use of the navigable waters outside that
domain for the generation of power, have already passed the House of
Representatives and are ready for immediate consideration and action
by the Senate. With the deepest earnestness I urge their prompt
passage. In them both we turn our backs upon hesitation and makeshift
and formulate a genuine policy of use and conservation, in the best
sense of those words. We owe the one measure not only to the people
of that great western country for whose free and systematic
development, as it seems to me, our legislation has done so little,
but also to the people of the Nation as a whole; and we as clearly
owe the other fulfillment of our repeated promises that the water
power of the country should in fact as well as in name be nut at the
disposal of great industries which can make economical and profitable
use of it, the rights of the public being adequately guarded the
while, and monopoly in the use prevented. To have begun such measures
and not completed them would indeed mar the record of this great
Congress very seriously. I hope and confidently believe that they
will be completed.
And there is another great piece of legislation which awaits and
should receive the sanction of the Senate: I mean the bill which
gives a larger measure of self-government to the people of the
Philippines. How hefter in this time of anxious questioning and
perplexed policy, could we show our confidence in the principles of
liberty, as the source as well as the expression of life. How better
could we demonstrate our own self-possession and steadfastness in the
courses of justice and disinterestedness than by thus going calmly
forward to fulfill our promises to a dependent people, who will now
look more anxiously than ever to see whether we have indeed the
liberality, the unselfishness, the courage, the faith we have boasted
and professed. I can not believe that the Senate will let this great
measure of constructive justice await the action of another
would nobly crown the record of these two years of memorable
But I think that you will agree with me that this does not
complete the toll of our duty. How are we to carry our goods to the
empty markets of which I have spoken if we have not the ships? How
are we to build up a great trade if we have not the certain and
constant means of transportation upon which all profitable and useful
commerce depends? And how are we to get the ships if we wait for the
trade to develop without them? To correct the many mistakes by which
we have discouraged and all but destroyed the merchant marine of the
country, to retrace the steps by which we have it seems almost
deliberately, withdrawn our flag from the seas, except where, here
and there, a ship of war is bidden carry it or some wandering yacht
displays it, would take a long time and involve many detailed items
of legislation, and tile trade which we ought immediately to handle
would disappear or find other channels while we debated the
The case is not unlike that which confronted us when our own
continent was to be opened up to settlement and industry, and we
needed long lines of railway, extended means of transportation
prepared beforehand, if development was not to lag intolerably and
wait interminably. We lavishly subsidized the building of
transcontinental railroads. We look back upon that with regret now,
because the subsidies led to many scandals of which we are ashamed;
but we know that the railroads had to be built, and if we had it to
do over again we should of course build them, but in another way.
Therefore I propose another way of providing the means of
transportation, which must precede, not tardily follow, the
development of our trade with our neighbor states of America. It may
seem a reversal of the natural order of things, but it is true, that
the routes of trade must be actually opened - by many ships and
regular sailings and moderate charges - before streams of merchandise
will flow freely and profitably through them.
Hence the pending shipping bill, discussed at the last session
but as yet passed by neither House. In my judgment such legislation
is imperatively needed and can not wisely be postponed. The
Government must open these gates of trade, and open them wide; open
them before it is altogether profitable to open them, or altogether
reasonable to ask private capital to open them at a venture. It is
not a question of the Government monopolizing the field. It should
take action to make it certain that transportation at reasonable
rates will be promptly provided, even where the carriage is not at
first profitable; and then, when the carriage has become sufficiently
profitable to attract and engage private capital, and engage it in
abundance, the Government ought to withdraw. I very earnestly hope
that the Congress will be of this opinion, and that both Houses will
adopt this exceedingly important bill.
The great subject of rural credits still remains to be dealt
with, and it is a matter of deep regret that the difficulties of the
subject have seemed to render it impossible to complete a bill for
passage at this session. But it can not be perfected yet, and
therefore there are no other constructive measures the necessity for
which I will at this time call your attention to; but I would be
negligent of a very manifest duty were I not to call the attention of
the Senate to the fact that the proposed convention for safety at sea
awaits its confirmation and that the limit fixed in the convention
itself for its acceptance is the last day of the present month. The
conference in which this convention originated was called by the
United States; the representatives of the United States played a very
influential part indeed in framing the provisions of the proposed
convention; and those provisions are in themselves for the most part
admirable. It would hardly be consistent with the part we have played
in the whole matter to let it drop and go by the board as if
forgotten and neglected. It was ratified in May by the German
Government and in August by the Parliament of Great Britain. It marks
a most hopeful and decided advance in international civilization. We
should show our earnest good faith in a great matter by adding our
own acceptance of it.
There is another matter of which I must make special mention. If
I am to discharge my conscience, lest it should escape your
attention. It may seem a very small thing. It affects only a single
item of appropriation. But many human lives and many great
enterprises hang upon it. It is the matter of making adequate
provision for the survey and charting of our coasts. It is
immediately pressing and exigent in connection with the immense coast
line of Alaska, a coast line greater than that of the United States
themselves, though it is also very important indeed with regard to
the older coasts of the continent. We can not use our great Alaskan
domain, ships will not ply thither, if those coasts and their many
hidden dangers are not thoroughly surveyed and charted. The work is
incomplete at almost every point. Ships and lives have been lost in
threading what were supposed to be well-known main channels. We have
not provided adequate vessels or adequate machinery for the survey
and charting. We have used old vessels that were not big enough or
strong enough and which were so nearly unseaworthy that our
inspectors would not have allowed private owners to send them to sea.
This is a matter which, as I have said, seems small, but is in
reality very great. Its importance has only to be looked into to be
Before I close may I say a few words upon two topics, much
discussed out of doors, upon which it is highly important that our
judgments should be clear, definite, and steadfast?
One of these is economy in government expenditures. The duty of
economy is not debatable. It is manifest and imperative. In the
appropriations we pass we are spending the money of the great people
whose servants we are, - not our own. We are trustees and responsible
stewards in the spending. The only thing debatable and upon which we
should be careful to make our thought and purpose clear is the kind
of economy demanded of us. I assert with the greatest confidence that
the people of the United States are not jealous of the amount their
Government costs if they are sure that they get what they need and
desire for the outlay, that the money is being spent for objects of
which they approve, and that it is being applied with good business
sense and management.
Governments grow, piecemeal, both in their tasks and in the means
by which those tasks are to be performed, and very few Governments
are organized, I venture to say, as wise and experienced business men
would organize them if they had a clean sheet of paper to write upon.
Certainly the Government of the United States is not. I think that it
is generally agreed that there should be a systematic reorganization
and reassembling of its parts so as to secure greater efficiency and
effect considerable savings in expense. But the amount of money saved
in that way would, I believe, though no doubt considerable in itself,
running, it may be, into the millions, be relatively small, - small,
I mean, in proportion to the total necessary outlays of the
Government. It would be thoroughly worth effecting, as every saving
would, great or small. Our duty is not altered by the scale of the
saving. But my point is that the people of the United States do not
wish to curtail the activities of this Government; they wish, rather,
to enlarge them; and with every enlargement, with the mere growth,
indeed, of the country itself, there must come, of course, the
inevitable increase of expense. The sort of economy we ought to
practice may be effected, and ought to be effected, by a careful
study and assessment of the tasks to be performed; and the money
spent ought to be made to yield the best possible returns in
efficiency and achievement. And, like good stewards, we should so
account for every dollar of our appropriations as to make it
perfectly evident what it was spent for and in what way it was
It is not expenditure but extravagance that we should fear being
criticized for; not paying for the legitimate enterprise and
undertakings of a great Government whose people command what it
should do, but adding what will benefit only a few or pouring money
out for what need not have been undertaken at all or might have been
postponed or better and more economically conceived and carried out.
The Nation is not niggardly; it is very generous. It will chide us
only if we forget for whom we pay money out and whose money it is we
pay. These are large and general standards, but they are not very
difficult of application to particular cases.
The other topic I shall take leave to mention goes deeper into
the principles of our national life and policy. It is the subject of
national defense.
It can not be discussed without first answering some very
searching questions. It is said in some quarters that we are not
prepared for war. What is meant by being prepared? Is it meant that
we are not ready upon brief notice to put a nation in the field, a
nation of men trained to arms? Of course we are not ready to do that;
and we shall never be in time of peace so long as we retain our
present political principles and institutions. And what is it that it
is suggested we should be prepared to do? To defend ourselves against
attack? We have always found means to do that, and shall find them
whenever it is necessary without calling our people away from their
necessary tasks to render compulsory military service in times of
Allow me to speak with great plainness and directness upon this
great matter and to avow my convictions with deep earnestness. I have
tried to know what America is, what her people think, what they are,
what they most cherish and hold dear. I hope that some of their finer
passions are in my own heart, - some of the great conceptions and
desires which gave birth to this Government and which have made the
voice of this people a voice of peace and hope and liberty among the
peoples of the world, and that, speaking my own thoughts, I shall, at
least in part, speak theirs also, however faintly and inadequately,
upon this vital matter.
We are at peace with all the world. No one who speaks counsel
based on fact or drawn from a just and candid interpretation of
realities can say that there is reason to fear that from any quarter
our independence or the integrity of our territory is threatened.
Dread of the power of any other nation we are incapable of. We are
not jealous of rivalry in the fields of commerce or of any other
peaceful achievement. We mean to live our own lives as we will; but
we mean also to let live. We are, indeed, a true friend to all the
nations of the world, because we threaten none, covet the possessions
of none, desire the overthrow of none. Our friendship can be accepted
and is accepted without reservation, because it is offered in a
spirit and for a purpose which no one need ever question or suspect.
Therein lies our greatness. We are the champions of peace and of
concord. And we should be very jealous of this distinction which we
have sought to earn. Just now we should be particularly jealous of it
because it is our dearest present hope that this character and
reputation may presently, in God's providence, bring us an
opportunity such as has seldom been vouchsafed any nation, the
opportunity to counsel and obtain peace in the world and
reconciliation and a healing settlement of many a matter that has
cooled and interrupted the friendship of nations. This is the time
above all others when we should wish and resolve to keep our strength
by self-possession. our influence by preserving our ancient
principles of action.
From the first we have had a clear and settled policy with regard
to military establishments. We never have had, and while we retain
our present principles and ideals we never shall have, a large
standing army. If asked, Are you ready to defend yourselves? we
reply, Most assuredly, to the utmost; and yet we shall not turn
America into a military camp. We will not ask our young men to spend
the best years of their lives making soldiers of themselves. There is
another sort of energy in us. It will know how to declare itself and
make itself effective should occasion arise. And especially when half
the world is on fire we shall be careful to make our moral insurance
against the spread of the conflagration very definite and certain and
adequate indeed.
Let us remind ourselves, therefore, of the only thing we can do
or will do. We must depend in every time of national peril, in the
future as in the past, not upon a standing army, nor yet upon a
reserve army, but upon a citizenry trained and accustomed to arms. It
will be right enough, right American policy, based upon our
accustomed principles and practices, to provide a system by which
every citizen who will volunteer for the training may be made
familiar with the use of modern arms, the rudiments of drill and
maneuver, and the maintenance and sanitation of camps. We should
encourage such training and make it a means of discipline which our
young men will learn to value. It is right that we should provide it
not only, but that we should make it as attractive as possible, and
so induce our young men to undergo it at such times as they can
command a little freedom and can seek the physical development they
need, for mere health's sake, if for nothing more. Every means by
which such things can be stimulated is legitimate, and such a method
smacks of true American ideas. It is right, too, that the National
Guard of the States should be developed and strengthened by every
means which is not inconsistent with our obligations to our own
people or with the established policy of our Government. And this,
also, not because the time or occasion specially calls for such
measures, but because it should be our constant policy to make these
provisions for our national peace and safety.
More than this carries with it a reversal of the whole history
and character of our polity. More than this, proposed at this time,
permit me to say, would mean merely that we had lost our
self-possession, that we had been thrown off our balance by a war
with which we have nothing to do, whose causes can not touch us,
whose very existence affords us opportunities of friendship and
disinterested service which should make us ashamed of any thought of
hostility or fearful preparation for trouble. This is assuredly the
opportunity for which a people and a government like ours were raised
up, the opportunity not only to speak but actually to embody and
exemplify the counsels of peace and amity and the lasting concord
which is based on justice and fair and generous dealing.
A powerful navy we have always regarded as our proper and natural
means of defense; and it has always been of defense that we have
thought, never of aggression or of conquest. But who shall tell us
now what sort of navy to build? We shall take leave to be strong upon
the seas, in the future as in the past; and there will be no thought
of offense or of provocation in that. Our ships are our natural
bulwarks. When will the experts tell us just what kind we should
construct - and when will they be right for ten years together, if
the relative efficiency of craft of different kinds and uses
continues to change as we have seen it change under our very eyes in
these last few months?
But I turn away from the subject. It is not new. There is no new need
to discuss it. We shall not alter our attitude toward it because some
amongst us are nervous and excited. We shall easily and sensibly
agree upon a policy of defense. The question has not changed its
aspects because the times are not normal. Our policy will not be for
an occasion. It will be conceived as a permanent and settled thing,
which we will pursue at all seasons, without haste and after a
fashion perfectly consistent with the peace of the world, the abiding
friendship of states, and the unhampered freedom of all with whom we
deal. Let there be no misconception. The country has been
misinformed. We have not been negligent of national defense. We are
not unmindful of the great responsibility resting upon us. We shall
learn and profit by the lesson of every experience and every new
circumstance; and what is needed will be adequately done.
I close, as I began, by reminding you of the great tasks and
duties of peace which challenge our best powers and invite us to
build what will last, the tasks to which we can address ourselves now
and at all times with free-hearted zest and with all the finest gifts
of constructive wisdom we possess. To develop our life and our
resources; to supply our own people, and the people of the world as
their need arises, from the abundant plenty of our fields and our
marts of trade to enrich the commerce of our own States and of the
world with the products of our mines, our farms, and our factories,
with the creations of our thought and the fruits of our character, -
this is what will hold our attention and our enthusiasm steadily, now
and in the years to come, as we strive to show in our life as a
nation what liberty and the inspirations of an emancipated spirit may
do for men and for societies, for individuals, for states, and for