Presidential Debates
Kenneth Janda
The information provided below was compiled on April 17, 1977 and drawn mainly from the "Presidential Debate Transcript Library "web page maintained by Net.Capitol, Inc. That site is no longer working, however. You can obtain the transcripts for the 2000 presidential debates at the web site of the Commission on Presidential debates.
Face-to-face presidential debates in the 20th century began their broadcast history in 1948. Republicans Thomas Dewey and Harold Stassen faced each other in a radio debate during the Oregon Republican presidential primary.Also on May 21, 1956, Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver, rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, participated in a televised debate during the Florida Democratic primary. Other debates since then are listed below.
Transcripts of Past Debates
1960 John Kennedy (D) and Richard Nixon (R) met in four televised debates:
September 26 October 7 October 13 October 21
- 1976 Jimmy Carter (D) and Gerald Ford (R) met in three televised debates:
September 23 October 6 October 22
- Walter Mondale (D) and Bob Dole (R) met in a televised vice presidential debate on October 15
1980 Ronald Reagan (R) and John Anderson (I) met in a televised debate on September 21.Jimmy Carter (D) and Ronald Reagan (R) met in a televised debate on October 28.
1984 Walter Mondale (D) and Ronald Reagan (R) met in televised debates on October 7 and October21.Geraldine Ferraro (D) and George Bush (R) met in a vice-presidential debate on October 11.
1988 Michael Dukakis (D) and George Bush (R) met in televised debates on September 25 and October13.Lloyd Bentsen (D) and Dan Quayle (R) met a in televised vice presidential debate on October 5.
1992 Bill Clinton (D), George Bush (R), and Ross Perot (I) met in three televised debates:
Vice Presidential candidates: Al Gore (D), Dan Quayle (R) and James Stockdale (I) met in one televised debate on October13.
October 11 October 15 October 19
1996 Bill Clinton (D) and Bob Dole (R) met in two televised debates, without the presence of Ross Perot (Reform) on October 6 and October 16.Al Gore (D) and Jack Kemp (R) met in a televised vice-presidential debate on October 9.