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January 20 was a Sunday, and the President took the
oath of office, administered by Chief Justice Warren Burger, in the
Grand Foyer of the White House. Weather that hovered near zero that
night and on Monday forced the planners to cancel many of the outdoor
events for the second inauguration. For the first time a President
took the oath of office in the Capitol Rotunda. The oath was again
administered by Chief Justice Burger. Jessye Norman sang at the
"Senator Mathias, Chief Justice Burger, Vice President
Bush, Speaker O'Neill, Senator Dole, reverend clergy, and
members of my family and friends and my fellow citizens:
This day has been made brighter with the presence here of
one who, for a time, has been absent. Senator John Stennis,
God bless you and welcome back. There is, however, one who is not with us today.
Representative Gillis Long of Louisiana left us last night.
And I wonder if we could all join in a moment of silent
prayer. [The President resumed speaking after a moment of
silence. ] Amen. There are no words adequate to express my thanks for the
great honor that you've bestowed on me. I'll do my utmost to
be deserving of your trust. This is, as Senator Mathias told us, the 50th time that
we, the people, have celebrated this historic occasion. When
the first President, George Washington, placed his hand upon
the Bible, he stood less than a single day's journey by
horseback from raw, untamed wilderness. There were 4 million
Americans in a union of 13 States. Today, we are 60 times as
many in a union of 50 States. We've lighted the world with
our inventions, gone to the aid of mankind wherever in the
world there was a cry for help, journeyed to the Moon and
safely returned. So much has changed, and yet we stand
together as we did two centuries ago. When I took this oath 4 years ago, I did so in a time of
economic stress. Voices were raised saying that we had to
look to our past for the greatness and glory. But we, the
present-day Americans, are not given to looking backward. In
this blessed land, there is always a better tomorrow. Four years ago, I spoke to you of a New Beginning, and we
have accomplished that. But in another sense, our New
Beginning is a continuation of that beginning created two
centuries ago when, for the first time in history,
government, the people said, was not our master, it is our
servant; its only power that which we the people allow it to
have. That system has never failed us, but for a time we failed
the system. We asked things of government that government
was not equipped to give. We yielded authority to the
National Government that properly belonged to States or to
local governments or to the people themselves. We allowed
taxes and inflation to rob us of our earnings and savings
and watched the great industrial machine that had made us
the most productive people on Earth slow down and the number
of unemployed increase. By 1980 we knew it was time to renew our faith, to strive
with all our strength toward the ultimate in individual
freedom, consistent with an orderly society. We believed then and now: There are no limits to growth
and human progress when men and women are free to follow
their dreams. And we were right to believe that. Tax rates
have been reduced, inflation cut dramatically, and more
people are employed than ever before in our history. We are creating a nation once again vibrant, robust, and
alive. But there are many mountains yet to climb. We will
not rest until every American enjoys the fullness of
freedom, dignity, and opportunity as our birthright. It is
our birthright as citizens of this great Republic. And if we meet this challenge, these will be years when
Americans have restored their confidence and tradition of
progress; when our values of faith, family, work, and
neighborhood were restated for a modern age; when our
economy was finally freed from government's grip; when we
made sincere efforts at meaningful arms reductions and by
rebuilding our defenses, our economy, and developing new
technologies, helped preserve peace in a troubled world;
when America courageously supported the struggle for
individual liberty, self-government, and free enterprise
throughout the world and turned the tide of history away
from totalitarian darkness and into the warm sunlight of
human freedom. My fellow citizens, our nation is poised for greatness.
We must do what we know is right, and do it with all our
might. Let history say of us: "These were golden years-when
the American Revolution was reborn, when freedom gained new
life, and America reached for her best. Our two-party system has solved us-served us, I should
say, well over the years, but never better than in those
times of great challenge when we came together not as
Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans united in a
common cause. Two of our Founding Fathers, a Boston lawyer named Adams
and a Virginia planter named Jefferson, members of that
remarkable group who met in Independence Hall and dared to
think they could start the world over again, left us an
important lesson. They had become, in the years then in
government, bitter political rivals in the Presidential
election of 1800. Then, years later, when both were retired
and age had softened their anger, they began to speak to
each other again through letters. A bond was reestablished
between those two who had helped create this government of
ours. In 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of
Independence, they both died. They died on the same day,
within a few hours of each other, and that day was the
Fourth of July. In one of those letters exchanged in the sunset of their
lives, Jefferson wrote: "It carries me back to the times
when, beset with difficulties and dangers, we were fellow
laborers in the same cause, struggling for what is most
valuable to man, his right of self-government. Laboring
always at the same oar, with some wave ever ahead
threatening to overwhelm us, and yet passing harmless... we
rode through the storm with heart and hand." Well, with heart and hand let us stand as one today --
one people under God, determined that our future shall be
worthy of our past. As we do, we must not repeat the
well-intentioned errors of our past. We must never again
abuse the trust of working men and women by sending their
earnings on a futile chase after the spiraling demands of a
bloated Federal Establishment. You elected us in 1980 to end
this prescription for disaster, and I don't believe you
reelected us in 1984 to reverse course. At the heart of our efforts is one idea vindicated by 25
straight months of economic growth: Freedom and incentives
unleash the drive and entrepreneurial genius that are the
core of human progress. We have begun to increase the
rewards for work, savings, and investment; reduce the
increase in the cost and size of government and its
interference in people's lives. We must simplify our tax system, make it more fair and
bring the rates down for all who work and earn. We must
think anew and move with a new boldness, so every American
who seeks work can find work, so the least among us shall
have an equal chance to achieve the greatest things -- to be
heroes who heal our sick, feed the hungry, protect peace
among nations, and leave this world a better place. The time has come for a new American emancipation -- a
great national drive to tear down economic barriers and
liberate the spirit of enterprise in the most distressed
areas of our country. My friends, together we can do this,
and do it we must, so help me God. From new freedom will spring new opportunities for
growth, a more productive, fulfilled, and united people, and
a stronger America -- an America that will lead the
technological revolution and also open its mind and heart
and soul to the treasures of literature, music, and poetry,
and the values of faith, courage, and love. A dynamic economy, with more citizens working and paying
taxes, will be our strongest tool to bring down budget
deficits. But an almost unbroken 50 years of deficit
spending has finally brought us to a time of reckoning.
We've come to a turning point, a moment for hard decisions.
I have asked the Cabinet and my staff a question and now I
put the same question to all of you. If not us, who? And if
not now, when? It must be done by all of us going forward
with a program aimed at reaching a balanced budget. We can
then begin reducing the national debt. I will shortly submit a budget to the Congress aimed at
freezing government program spending for the next year.
Beyond this, we must take further steps to permanently
control government's power to tax and spend. We must act now
to protect future generations from government's desire to
spend its citizens' money and tax them into servitude when
the bills come due. Let us make it unconstitutional for the
Federal Government to spend more than the Federal Government
takes in. We have already started returning to the people and to
State and local governments responsibilities better handled
by them. Now, there is a place for the Federal Government in
matters of social compassion. But our fundamental goals must
be to reduce dependency and upgrade the dignity of those who
are infirm or disadvantaged. And here, a growing economy and
support from family and community offer our best chance for
a society where compassion is a way of life, where the old
and infirm are cared for, the young and, yes, the unborn
protected, and the unfortunate looked after and made
self-sufficient. Now, there is another area where the Federal Government
can play a part. As an older American, I remember a time
when people of different race, creed, or ethnic origin in
our land found hatred and prejudice installed in social
custom and, yes, in law. There's no story more heartening in
our history than the progress that we've made toward the
brotherhood of man that God intended for us. Let us resolve
there will be no turning back or hesitation on the road to
an America rich in dignity and abundant with opportunity for
all our citizens. Let us resolve that we, the people, will build an
American opportunity society in which all of us -- white and
black, rich and poor, young and old -- will go forward
together, arm in arm. Again, let us remember that though our
heritage is one of blood lines from every corner of the
Earth, we are all Americans, pledged to carry on this last,
best hope of man on Earth. I've spoken of our domestic goals and the limitations we
should put on our National Government. Now let me turn to a
task that is the primary responsibility of National
Government -- the safety and security of our people. Today, we utter no prayer more fervently than the ancient
prayer for peace on Earth. Yet history has shown that peace
does not come, nor will our freedom be preserved, by good
will alone. There are those in the world who scorn our
vision of human dignity and freedom. One nation, the Soviet
Union, has conducted the greatest military buildup in the
history of man, building arsenals of awesome offensive
weapons. We've made progress in restoring our defense capability.
But much remains to be done. There must be no wavering by
us, nor any doubts by others, that America will meet her
responsibilities to remain free, secure, and at peace. There is only one way safely and legitimately to reduce
the cost of national security, and that is to reduce the
need for it. And this we're trying to do in negotiations
with the Soviet Union. We're not just discussing limits on a
further increase of nuclear weapons; we seek, instead, to
reduce their number. We seek the total elimination one day
of nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth. Now, for decades, we and the Soviets have lived under the
threat of mutual assured destruction -- if either resorted
to the use of nuclear weapons, the other could retaliate and
destroy the one who had started it. Is there either logic or
morality in believing that if one side threatens to kill
tens of millions of our people our only recourse is to
threaten killing tens of millions of theirs? I have approved a research program to find, if we can, a
security shield that will destroy nuclear missiles before
they reach their target. It wouldn't kill people; it would
destroy weapons. It wouldn't militarize space; it would help
demilitarize the arsenals of Earth. It would render nuclear
weapons obsolete. We will meet with the Soviets, hoping that
we can agree on a way to rid the world of the threat of
nuclear destruction. We strive for peace and security, heartened by the
changes all around us. Since the turn of the century, the
number of democracies in the world has grown fourfold. Human
freedom is on the march, and nowhere more so than in our own
hemisphere. Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest
aspirations of the human spirit. People, worldwide, hunger
for the right of self-determination, for those inalienable
rights that make for human dignity and progress. America must remain freedom's staunchest friend, for
freedom is our best ally and it is the world's only hope to
conquer poverty and preserve peace. Every blow we inflict
against poverty will be a blow against its dark allies of
oppression and war. Every victory for human freedom will be
a victory for world peace. So, we go forward today, a nation still mighty in its
youth and powerful in its purpose. With our alliances
strengthened, with our economy leading the world to a new
age of economic expansion, we look to a future rich in
possibilities. And all of this is because we worked and
acted together, not as members of political parties but as
Americans. My friends, we live in a world that's lit by lightning.
So much is changing and will change, but so much endures and
transcends time. History is a ribbon, always unfurling. History is a
journey. And as we continue our journey, we think of those
who traveled before us. We stand again at the steps of this
symbol of our democracy -- well, we would have been standing
at the steps if it hadn't gotten so cold. [Laughter]
Now we're standing inside this symbol of our democracy, and
we see and hear again the echoes of our past: a general
falls to his knees in the hard snow of Valley Forge; a
lonely President paces the darkened halls and ponders his
struggle to preserve the Union; the men of the Alamo call
out encouragement to each other; a settler pushes west and
sings a song, and the song echoes out forever and fills the
unknowing air. It is the American sound. It is hopeful, big-hearted,
idealistic, daring, decent, and fair. That's our heritage,
that's our song. We sing it still. For all our problems, our
differences, we are together as of old. We raise our voices
to the God who is the Author of this most tender music. And
may He continue to hold us close as we fill the world with
our sound -- in unity, affection, and love -- one people
under God, dedicated to the dream of freedom that He has
placed in the human heart, called upon now to pass that
dream on to a waiting and hopeful world. God bless you, and God bless America."
Jan. 21, 1985