I. To run the SPSS program for
statistical analysis, our class will rely
on Northwesterns hardin
and seldon computers, which
run the unix operating system
in a distributed computing
A. Hardin is an Hewlett-Packard J210
computer, with two CPUs. Seldon is an HP
735 with less computing capacity that
serves files to hardin and other some
computers. They are named after characters
in a futuristic novel by I. Asimov.
B. Like DOS, Windows, or the Macintosh
OS, unix is a command system for
controlling a computer.
- It was originally created in 1969
by researchers at Bell Laboratories, so
it is not new.
- Nevertheless, it has been intensely
championed by people in the hard
sciences and in computer sciences as
the operating system.
- Its many admirers notwithstanding,
unix commands are viewed by outsiders
(e.g., me) as cryptic and
- Nevertheless, it is what we have to
work with so you will have to learn
enough unix to serve you well in this
- I will try to teach unix by example
of usage; use the class handout on unix
for reference and review.
C. The meaning of a "distributed
computing environment" (DCE).
In principle, DCE refers to
the ability to store and process files
on multiple computers that are
networked together. Most files are
stored on seldon, but that fact will be
transparent to you. Your account will
be on the hardin computer, to which you
will log in.
II. How to log into hardin
(remember, unix is case-sensitive
and usually uses lower case for its
As explained in the syllabus, this can
be done via microcomputers connected to
the campus network or via telephone
III. Follow this example for logging
into hardin after you receive the unix
prompt, login. In this
plain type is hardin talking;
boldface is my reply
<---Enter your account
identification, then press RETURN or
ENTER, depending on your keyboard
wait.checking for disk quotas
password, RETURN]
<---response on entering hardin.
<--Various messages are listed
<---an e-mail program comes with
hardin, but DO NOT use it for e-mail;
youll be punished.
Scratch dir is
<--Tells the name of your
directory on a scratch
disk for temporary storage
C 1 0 - S T A T I
S T I C S - B U L L E T I N
You successfully
logged into hardin and activated the C10
Statistics "setup" routine. From now on,
you will see a "bulletin" each time that
you log into your account. In the future,
I will use this space for messages about
your statistics assignments. No message
for now.
hardin(kjanda) 41%logout
<---You return to the unix prompt at
this point.
Type logout to exit the
Some essentials about the unix
operating system and your account on
hardin (adapted from Bruce
Fosters material):
- Just as with any computer system,
you will quickly generate multiple
files stored on your hardin
- File names on unix are sensitive to
upper and lower case, e.g, Myfile
and myfile are
- Unlike DOS and even Macintosh, unix
file names can be up to 255 characters
- File names can contain any
character except a slash, /.
- Some file types are recognized by
their extensions, e.g., SPSS
system files are tagged
with a .sav extension--i.e.,
Under unix, similar to DOS, files can
be organized in a hierarchical fashion
under directories, which are separated by
- Each of you have a home
directory, which is your working
directory when you log in.
- At the unix prompt, you can tell
what directory you are in by typing
pwd for "print working
Because directories can be confusing
under unix, I will suggest that you not
try to create different directories but
that you store all your files in your
default working directory.There are
different ways to list the files stored in
your working directory, according to these
- ls lists the contents of
your working directory in ascending
order, organized into vertical colums
to fill the width of the screen.
- ls -l lists its contents
with additional information: showing
the file mode, number of links, owner,
size in bytes, and time of
modification--more knowledge than you
probably want.
Changing the name and copying
- Unix has no rename
command but mv (move) will
rename a file: mv
- Files can be copied as follows:
cp [filename1]
- Files can be removed as follows:
rm [filename]
The main way to view text files at a
unix prompt is with a program called
type more [filename] to
display the file. Some major commands you
will need:
- pressing the space bar moves
the screen forward
- type b to page backward
- G goes to the end of a
- g goes to the beginning
- h displays a brief help
display and command summary
- typing q terminates the
How to print a file:
lp -dcresap115 [filename] lpstat cresap115 cancel [ID]
sends the file to the printer in Cresap
Lab, room 115
displays the IDs of print requests, if
they are queued up
will cancel the printing of a job, if it
hasnt printed yet.
How to log out of hardin: use
logout or exit Other
suspects--log, logoff, quit--will not