Path: > Syllabus > Outline > Topics and Readings > Quantitive Analysis > All Analysis Is Quantitative

Quantitatitive Analysis in Political Research:
Lecture 3:
"Why all analysis is quantitative"
  • My title is meant to be provocative; to state the matter strongly
    • Measurement is often problematic in the social sciences
    • Some people say, "you can't quantify that"
  • Measurement of complex concepts offers the greatest challenge for social research
    • Creativity often comes in the form of new measurement techniques
    • Indeed, virtually all empirical analysis involves measurement
    • By implication, all empirical analysis is quantitative
  • Basic distinctions in quantitative analysis
    • CONSTANTS: values of observations do not vary
    • VARIABLES: observations vary from case to case, trial to trial
      • Relationship of variables to concepts
        • variables are concrete manifestations, or operationalizations of concepts
        • variables are to concepts as hypotheses are to propositions
      • Two conventional views of variables
        • QUANTITATIVE: vary in magnitude
        • QUALITATIVE: vary in kind but not in degree
          • Sex and religion are standard examples
          • But the distinction is not iron-clad
            • Sex may be viewed as a continuous variable for some analyses
            • Death is the classic example, but not always foolproof
  • Reinterpreting quantitative and qualitative variables
    • Quantitative variables as CONTINUOUS variables
      • Observations can assume any of countless values on a line
      • Examples from physical sciences: time, distance, etc.
      • Examples from social sciences: age, mortality rate, liberalism
    • Qualitative variables as DISCRETE variables
      • Observations can assume only a countable number of values
        • DICHOTOMOUS values: male, female
        • POLYCHOTOMOUS values: Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Hindu, etc.
      • The categories may or may not be orderable
        • NONORDERABLE discrete categories: Religion
        • ORDERABLE discrete categories: Attitude toward things quantitative in the class survey
  • The orderability of discrete categories becomes a major issue in execution of research
    • Problem areas in classifying variables as discrete or continuous
      • There is the problem of a great many values--but not an infinite number.
        • Family income as an example -- increments are in cents
        • Become more complex when mean family income is computed, and fractional cents can be computed for a group.
        • The practice in social research is to regard a scale with many observational values as continuous, even though in concept the measurement is discrete
      • The problem of a few categories but an underlying seamless continuum
        • Attitude toward things quantitative
        • Political liberalism
        • Note that is a problem only for ORDERABLE discrete variables
    • Thus in practice, social measurement deals with these situations
      • FEW ORDERABLE AND DISCRETE CATEGORIES: attitudes towards statistics or Ronald Reagan
      • MANY ORDERABLE DISCRETE CATEGORIES: income, votes, missiles
  • Conventional "levels" of measurement according to S.S. Stevens
    • NOMINAL level
      • Arbitrary numbers are pinned to classes: the mathematical "operator" is the equal sign, =
      • Note that this "level" of measurement conforms to nonorderable discrete categories
    • ORDINAL level
      • Numbers pinned to classes now have values: operations of =, >, and <
      • Note that this conforms to orderable discrete categories with limited number of categories
      • Numbers pinned to classes have values and the distances between the values is known, involves =, <, >, +, and -
      • This overlaps greatly with the many orderable discrete categories but not completely -- for Stevens says that an interval scale has no zero point
      • Note that income, votes, and missiles HAVE a zero point
      • The most common example of an interval scale is a Celsius or Fahrenheit thermometer
      • Unfortunately, it is probably also the only common example
    • RATIO
      Involves all the above mathematical functions plus / and x -- due to the presence of an absolute zero
    • Applies to income, votes, and missiles -- but not to temperature
  • Evaluation of the continuous/discrete and the "levels" distinctions in measurement theory:
    • How the two approaches fit together
      • NOMINAL = non orderable discrete categories
      • ORDINAL = few orderable discrete categories
      • INTERVAL = many orderable discrete EXCEPT no zero point
      • RATIO = infinite categories (like temperature) but with a zero point
    • Relevance of all this for social research
      • Stevens' levels of measurement has been the dominant approach in the statistical literature
      • Which type of statistics apply to which level of measurement has become a matter of faith to some social analysts
      • The issue, as we will see, hinges on the treatment of ORDINAL data.
      • Are ordinal data to be treated as interval -- i.e., many ordered discrete categories and analyzed with more powerful statistical tools?
      • Or are ordinal data to be treated strictly as "ordered" categories with no knowledge of distance between categories and analyzed with weaker statistics?
    • One position: since most ordinal scales are assumed to reflect an underlying concept which is continuous, their measures will often be treated as if they were continuous as well
    • I agree with this position and will urge us to ASSUME that we know the distance between scale positions, when we really don't .
  • Why all social analysis is quantitative
    • Note the complexity involved in this discussion of measurement
      • To some, this may seem to be unnecessarily complex
      • These people may also be those who think that quantitative analysis cannot deal with the complexities of life
      • Can't on the one hand dismiss attempts to investigate fine and complex issues and then complain that quantitative concepts are too "simple" to capture complexities
    • But the basic argument rests on the "lowest" level of measurement
      • Nominal measurement involves pinning numbers to categories
      • I don't know of any social analysis that does not involve categorization
      • Anything that one can categorize, can be numbered
      • Anything that can be numbered, can be counted -- and thereby be analyzed with statistics
    • Therefore, all social analysis involves quantification.

Creating a measure of partisanship to study voting behavior

  • Consider the psychological state of "partisanship" as different from the behavioral act of "voting"
    • Usually, citizens will vote for candidates of their "preferred" parties.
    • Yet, citizens may think of themselves as "Democrats" and yet vote Republican.
    • In essence, partisanship is a psychological attachment to a party that's separate from voting behavior.
    • Can we develop a separate measure of partisanship to help explain voting behavior?
  • The "party identification" scale
    • Developed at the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center (SRC) in the late 1940s.
    • Used in all National Election Studies since 1952.
    • It arrays people along a seven-point scale from Strong Democrat to Strong Republican.
  • See how scholars at the SRC "operationalized" the concept of "party identification."