- "Donald
Trump, The Apprentice Demagogue,"
- Ten similarities in Hitler's and Trump's
Huffington Post.com
June 20, 2016
- "Government
Is Nobody's Business,"
- Does Mitt Romney's business experience suit
him for the presidency?
Huffington Post.com
June 15, 2012
- "Republican
Nihilism: Version 2010 on Display"
- Republicans play out Turgenev's novel again,
renouncing everything.
Chicago Tribune, p. 17.
February 4, 2010
- "Voting
for Change? Focus on Democrats and Republicans,
Not Obama and McCain"
- Look to parties for change, not the
Northwestern Observer, p. 6.
October 16, 2008
- "Recalling
the Case for Mediocrity"
- Sara Palin fulfilling Sen. Hurska's defense
of mediocrity.
October 14, 2008
- "A
Brief History on Choosing the Second
- The case for Obama choosing Hillary Clinton
as V.P.
Chicago Tribune, p. 11.
June 8, 2008
- "Interview
With Political Science Professor Kenneth
- Discussion of the 2008 presidential
May 21, 2008
- "How
the Parties Split Words"
- Freedom, order, and equality in Republican
and Democrat speeches.
Chicago Tribune, Section 2, p. 5.
February 3, 2008
- "Why
Has the Iraq War Lasted Nearly as Long as World
War II?"
- 1,245 days and counting towards 1,348
Chicago Tribune, p. 17
August 14, 2006
- "A
Case History on the Killing of Rats and
- Just killing rats won't eliminate them; get
rid of the food.
Chicago Tribune, Section 2, p. 9.
July 4, 2004
- "A
Little Background Before Voters Go to the
- Californi Recall pits democraacy v. good
Chicago Tribune, p. 27.
September 5, 2003
- "Do
Our People's Republics Work"
- Problems with government by referenda.
Newsday, p. A27.
August 6, 2003
- "Save
Iraqi History? 'No Tanks,' Says U.S.
- U.S. troops watched Iraqis loot national
Chicago Tribune, Section 2, p. 1.
April 27, 2003
- "Dubya,
Meet Il Duce: Who Said 'Axis' First?"
- On the Bush's misuse of the World War II
Axis metaphor.
Chicago Tribune, Section 2, p. 1.
April 21, 2002
- "The
Neo-Nihilists in Congress"
- Gingrich's Republican playing out Turgenev's
Chicago Tribune, p. 13.
January 9, 1996
- "Honor
the Constitutions: Try a Balanced-Budget
- The law is already there, but Congress lacks
the will
Chicago Tribune, p. 23.
January 12, 1995
- "Hungarians
Look to Future, Not Past"
- With Attila Agh, Hungarian socialists are
not communists.
Chicago Tribune, p. 27.
May 12, 1994
- "Riding
Yeltsin's Coattails"
- On Yeltsin's problem avoiding party
Budapest Sun, p. 4.
October 28, 1993
- "Forget
Your Manners If You're Getting Mugged"
- My experiences on a Budapest subway.
Budapest Sun
October 14, 1993
- "What
If No Candidate Wins a Clear Majority"
- On how the electoral vote system avoids
national recounts, different paper.
Miami Herald
November 3, 1992
- "Electoral
College Is Good System"
- On how the electoral vote system avoids
national recounts.
Dallas Morning News, p. 13A.
November 3, 1992
- "Electoral
System Offers Winner Mandate to Govern"
- On a positive of the electoral vote
San Francisco Chronicle, p. A19
October 28, 1992
- "Character:
Opiate of the Electorate"
- People say that they are good judges of
character, but they aren't.
Chicago Tribune, p. 11.
August 24, 1992
- "Your
Vote May Count More Than You Think"
- I made some "what-if" predictions of the
1992 election.
USA Today, p. 9A.
August 12, 1992
- "The
Public, Perot, and Péron"
- The electoral power of charisma, backed by
arms or money
June 11, 1992
- "Can
a Democrat Be Elected President?"
- This question was asked prior to the 1992
presidential election.
Mark Siegel's WashingtonInsider, p. 3
March 3, 1992
- "Parties'
Decentralization Caused by Nation
- This story was really about my
cross-national party research.
Jackson, MS, Clarion-Ledger
November 23, 1974