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Books and Monographs












Cumulative Index to the American Political Science Review, Volumes 63-89: 1969-1995.
Washington, D.C.: American Political Science Association, 1996. (With Richard Powell and Kristin Stehouwer)


CROSSTABS: Student Workbook for American Government, 3rd Edition.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1995. (With David Wrobel)


CROSSTABS: Student Workbook for American Government, 2nd Edition.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1989. (With Philip A. Schrodt)


CROSSTABS: Student Workbook for American Government.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1987. (With Philip A. Schrodt)


Users' Guide to the Intersocietal Information Center .
Evanston: Northwestern University, Council for Intersocietal Studies, 1970. (Edited with William Klecka).


Cumulative Index to the American Political Science Review, Volumes 1-62: 1900-1968 .
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1969
Information Retrieval: Applications to Political Science.
Indianapolis: Bobb-Merrill Company, 1968.


"Advances in Information Retrieval in the Social Sciences,"
Parts I and II, two special issues of The American Behavioral Scientist, 10 (January and February, 1967). (Editor)


Data Processing: Applications to Political Research.
Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1965. Second edition, 1969. This is the complete text of a 300+ page book that describes, in detail, computing in the era of punchcards and mainframes. Although fully machine-readable, it contains a hundred or more illustrations, which makes it a big file--about 40 mb. Be warned.


Cumulative Index to the American Political Science Review, Volumes 1-57: 1900-1963 .
Evanston: Northwestern University Press 1964. This was one of the first computer-generated indices to bibliographies. Selected as an Outstanding Reference Book for 1964 by the American Library Association.
Computer Programs and Multimedia Applications 

A computer program for analyzing political values. An earlier version won the 2005 Computer Software Award of the APSA.


CD-ROM version of Challenge of Democracy.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995. Cross-platform for Macintosh and IBM-compatibles. With Jeffrey Berry and Jerry Goldman.


Apple computer brochure (Describes my computer applications in political science)


Videopaths to American Government. With William Parod, Macintosh Hypercard Stack, 1990.


IDEAlog: A Computer Program for Analyzing Political Values (Versions 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0),
with Dennis Hartman and Jerry Goldman, 1987, 1989, 1995, and 1997. Macintosh and IBM compatible. Winner of 1992 Software Award--Course Instruction Category, American Political Science Association.  
CROSSTABS: A Computer Program for American Government (Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
with Philip Schrodt and David Wrobel, 1987, 1989, 1995. Macintosh and IBM-compatible. Winner of 1987 Educom Award for Distinguished Software.


Ken Janda: Renewing Old Acquaintances
Vogelback Computing Center Newsletter, (April, 1984), pp. 1-3.
Articles and Book Chapters  


"Teaching Research Methods: The Best Job in the Department,"
Political Science Educator, 3 (February, 1997), p. 6. Reprinted in Political Methodologist, 10 (2001), p. 6-7.


"Macintosh Across the Curriulum: Northwestern,"
Syllabus, 30 (Novembe/December, 1993), pp. 20-21.


"Elementary Statistics for Political Research,"
in W. Philips Shively and John Freeman (eds.) Introductory Methodology: Political Science Course Syllabi Collection, Washington: American Political Science Association, 1992.
"Multimedia in Political Science: Sobering Lessons from a Teaching Experiment,"
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 1 (1992), 341-354.


"Computers in Teaching Social Science in American Universities: A Survey, Critique, and Example,"
European Political Data Newsletter (June, 1988), 51-56.


"Personalizing Perfect Writer,"
Social Science Micro Review, 2 (February, 1984), 78-80.


"A Computer for Home and Office: The Kaypro II,"
Political Science Micro Review, 1, #3 (1983), 36 41.


"Online Searches of Social Science Data Sets: The RIQS System and ICPSR Data,"
SIG SOC Bulletin, 13 (1, part 1), 1981. (With Ann Janda).


"A Microfilm Information Retrieval System for Newspaper Libraries,"
Special Libraries, 61 (January, 1970), 33-47 (With David Gordon).


"A Microfilm and Computer System for Analyzing Comparative Politics Literature,"
in George Gerbner et al. (Eds.), The Analysis of Communication Content. New York: Wiley, 1969. Pp. 407 435.


"Index to the Proceedings of the 1968 Meeting of the American Political Science Association."
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1968. (On microfilm).


"Selective Dissemination of Information--A Progress Report from Northwestern University,"
American Behavioral Scientist, 10 (January, 1967), 24-29 (with Gary Rader).
"Political Research with Miracode--A 16mm. Microfilm Information Retrieval System,"
Social Science Information, 6 (April-June, 1967), 169-181. Reprinted in NMA Journal, 1 (Winter, 1968), 41-47.
"Cumulative Index to the Midwest Journal of Political Science-Volumes 1-10, 1957 1966,"
Midwest Journal of Political Science, 11 (May, 1967), 225-255 (with Neal E. Cutler).
"Computer Applications in Political Science,"
AFIPS Conference Proceedings, Volume 31, Fall Joint Computer Conference. Washington: Thompson Book Company, 1967. Pp. 339-345. Reprinted in part as "Some Computer Applications in Political Science," Computers and the Humanities, 2 (September, 1967), 2-6. Also reprinted in Information Systems--Current Developments and Future Expansion. Montvale, N.J.: AFIPS Press, 1970. Pp. 15-28.


"TRIAL--A Computer Technique for Retrieving Information from Abstracts of Literature,"
Behavioral Science, 11 (November, 1966), 480-486 (with William H. Tetzlaff).


"Keyword Indexes for the Behavioral Sciences,"
American Behavioral Scientist (June, 1964), 55-58.
Book Reviews


Ralph Bisco (ed.).
Data Bases, Computers and the Social Sciences (New York: Wiley, 1970)
in The American Political Science Review 65 (September, 1971), pp. 785-786.
Papers and Addresses 


"Newspapers in Bytes and Bits: Limitations of Electronic Databases for Content Analysis,"
paper delivered at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association," Boston, Massachusetts. (With James Snider)


"Surfers Anonymous: Sobering Findings for Technology in Teaching,"
Keynote Address, Stepping into the 21st Century, Instructional Technology Workshop for Political Science Educators, Illinois State University, June 14, 1996.
"Teaching Research Methods: The Best Job in the Department,"
Remarks at the Roundtable on Teaching, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 19, 1996.


"Computers and MORE Help in Lectures,"
paper delivered at the Emerging Technologies Conference, sponsored by Apple Computer and the Association of American Publishers, New York, November 15, 1991.


"Would You Care to See Our Menus? Teaching SPSSx on a Mainframe Computer,"
paper delivered at the SPSS User Exchange, June 23, 1988, Chicago Hilton Hotel and Towers.
"Computers in Teaching Social Science in American Universities: A Survey, Critique, and Example,"
paper delivered at the Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research, Planning Session on The Use of Computers in Teaching Political Science, Rimini, Italy, April 5-10, 1988.


"Issues of Compatibility in the Decentralized Production of Entries for a Computerized Glossary,"
A Working Paper for the ISSC/COCTA Roundtable on the "INTERCOCTA" Project, Caracas, Venezuela, June 26-30, 1983.


"Cross-National Data for Social Research: 50 Studies in the ICPSR Archives,"
paper delivered at the US/Soviet Symposium on Social Science Information, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 4-7, 1980.


"Analysis of Qualitative Materials,"
paper delivered at a Conference on Computer applications to Social Inquiry, Warsaw, Poland, June 29 and July 7, 1974.


"Computer Applications in Political Science,"
in AFIPS Fall Joint Computing Conference, volume 31 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings. (Washington DC: AFIPS / ACM / Thomson Book Company, 1967), pp. 339-345


"Information Retrieval: Applications to Bibliographies on International and Comparative Politics,"
paper delivered at the Computers and the Policy Making Community Institute, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, California, April, 4-15, 1966.

"Computer Applications to Abstraction, Storage, and Recovery of Propositions from Political Science Literature,"
paper delivered at the American Political Science Association, Chicago. (With Lester W. Milbrath)
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