What the TAs will look for in grading your papers

The research paper is worth 20 points. I posted "Guidelines"for writing your paper that said the paper should have four sections. Each section will be worth points totaling to 20 as follows:

  1. Statement of the problem that gave rise to the research (4 points)
  2. Discussion of how the research was designed to clarify the problem (5 points)
  3. Analysis/interpretation of the data produced by the research (7 points)
  4. Summary and conclusion of the study (4 points)

The TAs will grade your papers according to this framework.

All papers must compare data for the U.S. with data fort he other countries. You are free to decide whether you include East Germany in the analysis; some will, some won't.

All papers should relate to material covered in the course. One way to do this is to introduce the concepts of freedom, order, and equality and majoritarian/pluralist democracy in section 1. Another way is to quote a section from the texts, using that as a springboard for your study. There are other ways, but remember that you need to tie your analysis into the general subject of American government and politics.

The papers should be from 5 to 7 pages, double-spaced,without using an itsy-bitsy type face.

I hope this helps.