Discriminatory provisions of
the electoral system favor the party over other
given parties.
Given discriminatory access
to governmentowned mass media; exempted from
government censorship.
Promotes party meetings or
campaigns by providing funds, advertising, or
Party operated newspaper or
radio/TV station is regarded as an authoritative
government voice.
Party is declared the only
legal one; establishment of a one party state;
opposition parties banned.
Coding Results.
The coding results for BV201 the first and second halves of
our time period are presented in Tables 4.1a and 4.1b.
According to the assumption of cumulative scaling, we would
expect to encounter only summated scores of 0, ±1,
±3, ±7, ±15, and ±16. (The score
of ±16 is actually not a scale type according to the
strict principles of cummulative scaling; it becomes
acceptable here due to the arbitrary limit of ±16
imposed on the maximum allowable value.) Only these
scores could be reached if the more extreme forms of
discrimination were always accompanied by less exptreme
forms. A score of +7, for example, could be attained
only by a party which enjoyed--as its most extreme form of
favored treatment--governmental promotion of party meetings
(+4) while also reaping the benefits of special access to
mass media (+2) and benevolent election regulations
(+1). A score of -6, on the other hand, indicates a
nonscale type, for it could be reached only by a
party whose meetings were disrupted by the government (-4),
whose messages were banned from state communications media
(-2), but which did not also face a hostile electoral system
(-1). With more than 10 percent of the scores in each
half departing from the scale patterns, the assumption of
cumulative scaling is untenable in its pristine form.
It seems more useful to treat the scale values simply as
points along a continuum, with severity of discrimination
built into the distances between points. At the
extremes of the continuum, whether a party is scored
±16 or ±15 depends on whether the government
actually declares the party either illegal (-16) or the only
legal one (+16) or it merely practices all four available
forms of discrimination toward the party without making a
formal declaration of the party's status--which would result
in ±15 by the summated scoring method. The
difference seems
TABLE 4.1a:
Mid 1950s: BV2.01 Government Discrimination

TABLE 4.1b: Early
1960s: BV2.01 Government Discrimination
