PATH: Janda's Favorite URLs > Research Sites

Encylopedias, Dictionaries, and Reference Sources
Enclyclopedia Britannica Online
World famous enclyclopedia, can be accesssed on a trial basis.
1911 Encylopedia Britannica
Go kicks, go back in time to assess what we knew 100 years ago. "The 1911 Classic Encyclopedia project works to bring to you the renowned 1911 Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica."
Canadian Encyclopedia Online
"The full text of The Canadian Encyclopedia and its related resources has been made available online by the Historica Foundation as a public service since 1999. Since its publication in book form in 1985, The Canadian Encyclopedia has provided the most comprehensive, objective and accurate source of information on Canada for students, readers and scholars across Canada and throughout the world."
Reference Desk:
Advertises itself as the single best source for reference facts on the web. It certainly is a contender.
Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences
Type the term or phrase you want, and it tries to find an answer.
Glossary of Political Economy Terms
"This is the online edition of A Glossary of Political Economy Terms by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University."
Fast Facts
A publication of the National Center for Educational Statistics, it provides data on schools, educational systems, etc.
Scholars' Guide to the WWW
A labor of love by Richard Jensen, a professor at several prominent schools. Although eclectic, it has links to a wide rage of material on key topics in public affairs.
"The search engine contains an index of the contents of over 5000 websites chosen for the quality of their content. The most recent re-indexing run included over 278,000 separate web documents."
Book Reviews on Politics and International Relations
Bbrings together a comprehensive and authoritative collection of book reviews in political science and international relations. It features reviews written by acknowledged experts for some of the world's finest journals. From the general to the specialist, from introductory undergraduate texts to ground-breaking research,"
General Sites for Political Information

Data Archive Search Engines
NARA Archive Databases
This is a search engine for National Archive holdings. For example, Wars/ International Relations and government spending--Contracts, Grants and Assistance.
Historical Text Archive
"The Historical Text Archive contains 7775 links in 24 categories"
Statistical Analysis
The Data and Story Library
"DASL (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods"
SDA: Web-based Survey Documentation and Analyst
This is an interactive tool for analyzing major national surveys, including ther 2010 General Social Survey and the 2008 American National Election Study.
Sources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
"This page lists FREE resources for program evaluation and social research methods.  The focus is on "how-to" do evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling, interviews, and other methods.  Most of these links are to resources that can be read over the web"
Raynaud's SPSS Tools
For those who already know that SPSS is a statistics program for analyzing data.
Simulations and Games
Voting Game: Muppets Use IRV
IRV stands for "Instant Runoff Voting," a method for eliminating a second election when no candidae gets a majority on the first try. "A practical example of an instant runoff election: the muppets choose a new CEO. "
The Game of Politics
"The Game of Politics© American government simulations use role playing to make American politics come alive." Note: This is a commerical product.
Instructional Websites

Search Engines for Papers and Publications

Get Cited Database of Publications
Academic Info: Gateway to Quality Educational Resources
Two Dozen search engines

Working-Papers: Sites of Political Science Scholars
Critical Thinking on the Web (directory of resources)
Free Academic Resources Online

Academic Journals

PARTY POLITICS--Sage's Home Page
Party Politics
Welcome to JSTOR
Find articles in over 300 magazines
Electric Politics: Political Insight, Critique, and Analysis
Journal Storage
Working Papers for Political & Social Research

The American Political Science Review
PS: Political Science Online
Campaigns & Elections
Public Opinion Quarterly
Taylor & Francis SARA: Scholarly Articles Research Service
Technology and Politics: APSA Newsletter
CSA Worldwide Abstracts

Graphics, Artwork, Cartoons

MapStats for the U.S. -- federal government
Maps of the United States -- U. of Texas
Clickable Map of the World
American Political Prints: 1776-1876
American Association of Editorial Cartoonists

Barry's Clip Art Server
AAA Free Clip Art
Teachers' Guide for the Professional Cartoonists' Index
Cartoons for United States History

Sources of Natural Text

Online Books Page
Project Gutenberg Online Books
English Server: Online Books
Open Text Project
Our Documents: Updated source of civic texts
The On-line Books Page
Douglass - Archives of American Public Address
Avalon Project at the Yale Law School
Electronic Text Center -- University of Virginia
Walter Bagehot, Physics and Politics
Google Translation Service

Content Analysis Programs and References

VBPro Content Analysis Site, by Mark Miller
Links to sites for content analysis software
Neuendorf's Content Analysis Guidebook Online
Phil Schrodt's Kansas Event Data System (KEDS)
WordStat Content Analysis & Text-Mining Module for Simstat
Minnesota Contextual Content Analysis
TextSmart: SPSS product for text analysis
Lexical Database for English

Quantitative Study of Dreams
Virginia's Text Analysis Software
William Evans' Content Analysis Resources
Harald Klein's Text Analysis Info (Germany)
WordNet: lexical database for the English language
Megaputer tools for data mining and text analysis
Visual Representation of Text: TextArc
Visual Thesaurus